FAMU Beverage Provider Awards Scholarships To Resolve 25 Student Balances

May 20, 2024
Lee Hall
FAMU Beverage Provider Awards Scholarships To Resolve 25 Student Balances

The Florida A&M University beverage provider, Refreshment Services Pepsi, awarded $8,573 in scholarships that was used to clear student accounts for 25 students with balances of $1,000 or less in the spring semester.

“This initiative to support our students is in alignment with the university’s Strategic Priorities regarding Student Success and Long-Term Fiscal Health & Sustainability,” said Rebecca Brown, senior vice president for Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  “This kind of support will not only serve the needs of our students but will also assist the university with our retention efforts.”

The scholarship recipients included six freshmen, five sophomores, five juniors, and nine graduating seniors.

“Refreshment Services Pepsi is committed to continuing an outstanding partnership with Florida A&M University. Our organization is a big proponent of higher education and we wanted to deliver a wealth of support by offering scholarships to the students of Florida A&M University,” said Ethan Howard, Key Accounts, Refreshment Services Pepsi. “Congratulations to those students who were awarded a scholarship and much gratitude to Florida A&M University for allowing us the opportunity to be a partnership sponsor.”

Jennifer Wilder, assistant vice president for Business and Auxiliary Services (BAS), said Refreshment Services Pepsi was very receptive when approached about the possibility of this type of donation.

“They did not hesitate to partner with us to meet the needs of our students,” Wilder reiterated. “Their team worked to ensure that the scholarship dollars would be available in time to clear the student account balances by the end of the Spring 2024 semester.”