Thursdays • 12:00 p.m - 2:00 p.m

My academic background and training include Mathematics (BSc), Statistics (Msc), and
Demography (PhD). I have more than 20 years experience in teaching and independent
research. My research interests are health disparities research, analysis of complex
data, multilevel analysis and computational methods. I am the FAMU-Leader of the Bioinformatics,
Biostatistics and Methods Core of the U54 grant.

- Analysis of Complex Data
- Research Design and Methods
- Multilevel Analysis
- Statistical Computing
- Application of Comtemporary Biostatistical Methods to Clinical and Health Disparities

- Demography, Ph.D. • (Year)
Brown University

- Professor • 2023 - Present
Florida A&M University

- Teacher of the Year, College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public

- Biostatistics I & II
- Regression Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Readings in Biostatistics