Perry Paige Bldg Room #119
Mondays • 2:00 p.m - 3:OO p.m
Wednesdays • 2:00 p.m - 3:OO p.m

Advanced Studying • Mon. Wed. Fri — 9:15am-10:30am
Advanced Studying • Mon. Wed. Fri — 1:15pm-2:30pm
Appreciation of Studying • Tu. Th.— 9:15am-10:30am
Colloquium in Studying • Tu. Th — 1:15pm-2:30pm

Dr. Bryan Lewis is a distinguished professor of microbiology in the College of Pharmacy
and Pharmaceutical Sciences-IPH who has received numerous awards for teaching excellence.
He was the youngest recipient at the time who received the University Teacher of the
Year which carried a $4000 monetary award. Dr. Lewis is the author of several manuals and textbooks in the areas of chemistry
and microbiology. He is also the author of a children’s book on microbiology. Dr. Lewis has also served as Director of Graduate Programs and Director of Policies
& Procedures in the College.

- Effect of Chemical & Physical agents on bacterial growth
- Antimicrobial Drug Resistance

- Microbiology, Ph.D. • 1979
University of Southern Mississippi
- McNeese State University • 1975
M.S. in Microbiology
- Southern University • 1973
B.S. in Microbiology

- Lewis, B.A. 2002. Basic Chemistry Review for Students in the Biological and Health
Sciences. Tichenor Publishing Company (ISBN-0-7421-2504-3)
- Lewis, B.A. 2002. A Study Guide to Accompany Basic Medical Microbiology for Health
Science Students. Tichenor/Copley Publishing Company (ISBN 0-7421-3153-X)
- Lewis, B.A. 2003. A Study Guide for General Microbiology. Tichenor/Copley Publishing
Company (ISBN 0-7421-2505-X)
- Lewis, B.A and M. E. Moorehead. 2004 Fibroids: What Every Woman Should Know. Author
House Books. www.amazon.com
- Lewis, B.A. 2005. A Chemistry Primer for Students in the Biological and Health Sciences.
Tichenor/Copley Publishing Company (ISBN 0 742169367)
- Lewis, B.A. and P. Ghazvini. 2010. Applied Immunology for Pharmacy Students. Copley
Publishing Company (ISBN 13:1;978-1-58152-753-70
- Lewis, B.A. 2011. The Tiny World You Can’t See, Featuring Billy Bacillus. Author
House Books. (ISBN: 978-1-4670-2837-0)
- Lewis, B.A. 2013. Essentials of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. XanEdu Publishing
Company (ISBN 13:978-1-58152-931-9).
- Lewis, B.A. 2017. 2nd edition. Essentials of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. XanEdu Publishing Company
(ISBN 13:978-1-50660-855-7).
- Lewis, B.A. The Medical Biochemistry Primer for Pharmacy Students. XanEdu Publishing
Company (2020; In press)