Office of the Provost

Division of Academic Affairs



Welcome to the Academy

Provost Watson  
"It is my goal to create pathways of excellence in research, teaching, innovation, scholarship, and service that will catapult our students and faculty to new heights in the years ahead. I am honored to serve in this capacity to ensure our collaborative vision becomes a reality."
—Allyson Watson, Ph.D.
University Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
        Meet Provost Watson Provost Leadership Team


About Academic Affairs

The Division of Academic Affairs oversees a variety of academic programs and departments within the University. This office supports student success initiatives, faculty development, faculty research and instruction and all other academic departments and programs.




Contact Us

Academic Affairs

1601 South MLK Blvd.
Suite 300
Tallahassee, Florida 32307
(850) 599-3276