Fredrick S. Humphrey's Science and Research Center, 209C

My research focuses on chemical contamination in drinking water, air and soil related
to Superfund Sites. I also work with communities related to contamination, risk assessment
and risk communication at the Jacksonville Ash sites and Fairfax Site. I was a collaboration
on water sampling in Leon and Wakulla Counties at schools for lead levels in drinking
fountains. I have experience with conduction field studies related to surveillance
of pesticides and chemicals. I was a toxicology consultant for the Department of Health
for years and supported the Division of Environmental Health and its programs and
the county health departments. I enjoy collaborative research and publication related
to research. To be a good teacher you must engrain your environmental health research
in classes.

- Metals
- Toxicology Risk Assessment
- Community Training Related to Public Health
- Hazardous Waste Sites

- Pharmacy, Environmental Toxicology, Ph.D. • 2003
Florida A&M University
- University of South Florida • 1993
M.S. in Public Health
- Laboratory Medicine • 1982
B.S. in Health Sciences

- Professor • August 2019 - Present
Florida A&M University
- Associate Professor • August 2013 - August 2019
Florida A&M University
- Assistant Professor • June 2008 - August 2013
Florida A&M University
- Assistant Professor • August 2007 - August 2008
Missouri State University
- Chemical and Pesticide Surveillance Toxicologist • October 2002 - March 2007
Florida Department of Health

Dr. Alan J. Becker achieved the following academic accomplishments:
- Delta Omega National Public Health Honorary Society
- Teacher of the year, 2009-2010, College of Pharmacy, Institute of Public Health
- Graduate Faculty Status, January 7, 2010
- Master’s and Doctorate Directive, October 2, 2012
- Research advisor to over 70 MPH students
- Committee member to 4 Dr.PH. Students
- Author or Co-author to 22 peer reviewed publications and 3 book chapters