Fall '22 Room Change Day

September 23, 2022
 Fall '22 Room Change Day
Fall '22 Room Change Day

Fall '22 Room Change Day is Wed, Sept 28. This year we are implementing a new virtual lottery process, eliminating the need to visit the central physical office.  

On Mon, Sept 26, a Form and a list of available rooms will be published, allowing residents to request to participate in the Room Change process. Both items will be open at 5 PM on 9/26, and the Room Change Day Form will close on 9/27 at 8 AM.

ues, Sept 27, residents are assigned specific times based on the randomly selected lottery order.  

Wed, Sept 28, the Assignments Team works through the lottery order of residents, calling them and allowing them to opt into spaces. The available rooms will be updated live throughout the day. Selected residents will be first contacted via email, prompting them about their status and phone call.  

Residents will have a specific amount of time to complete the move-in process; the deadline is Sat, Oct 8, 2022, by 5 PM. Do not attempt to move before Wednesday, October 5 starting at 10 AM. Any students who have not moved into their newly assigned space by this time will be reassigned to their original space and be charged a $30 Administrative Fee. 

For assistance, call us directly at 850-599-3651 or email us at famuhousing@famu.edu. 


Room Change Day Form

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