Marketing & Communications

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This guide outlines how to use the foundational elements of the OUH brand, style, and visual identity to achieve your goals and, at the same time, clearly communicate the mission of OUH. 

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If you would like to request the Office of University Housing's Marketing and Communication Team to create, design or edit, and/or approve materials that will be distributed to students, placed in the residence halls, worn, or on social media, please fill out this form with required details. 


Branding Elements

OUH Materials should not be posted or distributed until a member of the OUH Marketing & Communications team has approved the advertisement.

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This template is designed to be used for all community notices & building announcements.  Canva | Powerpoint

Community Notice/Announcement Template


Policy & Guidelines

OUH Materials should not be posted or distributed until a member of the OUH Marketing & Communications team has approved the advertisement.

  • Name of hosting organization/department
  • Name of the event
  • Date, time, and location of the event
  • Contact information
  • OUH Logo
  • Official Events or information associated with OUH
  • Official Events or information associated with FAMU
  • Administrative offices or academic programs
  • Outside companies in partnership with OUH
  • Publicity making any reference to drugs or alcohol, containing discriminatory language, or containing inappropriate photos, graphics, or language
  • Outside vendor or company promotions
  • Outside vendor health insurance information
  • Personal business
  • All merchandise and paraphernalia including t-shirts are subject to the approval of Marketing & Communications before printing. 
  • All advertisements are subject to the approval of Marketing & Communications. 
  • Advertisement must be within the college guidelines and be respectful of a diverse audience.
  • All department/organization flyers and posters must be approved by Marketing & Communications.
  • Advertisements should be submitted for approval to Marketing & Communications at least 14 business days prior to the event. Please allow up to 2 business days for the approval process. The approval includes via eMail and/or a stamp on physical materials.
  • An advertisement may only be placed in designated areas unless special permission is given by Marketing & Communications.
  • All advertisements should automatically be taken down within 48 hours after the event has taken place.
  • The distribution of material(s) shall be consistent with the orderly conduct of the college’s affairs, the maintenance of college property, and the free flow of traffic and persons.
  • Distribution by means of personal solicitation, accosting
  • individuals, hawking, or shouting is strictly prohibited.
  • All OUH affiliated social media accounts must be approved by Marketing & Communications.
  • The Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications must be added as administrators on all approved social media pages.
  • Marketing & Communications reserves the right to delete an existing page or deny a request for a new social media account if it is determined another strategy would be more effective, or if a similar account exists which may be utilized.
  • Privacy concerns are of the utmost importance and all policies regarding privacy must be followed at all times.
  • All accounts must adhere to the college’s social media brand standards. 
  • All administrators are representing the college at all times.
  • The primary purpose of social media is to engage an audience. If accounts are not being effectively utilized, remain stagnant, or do not adhere to the OUH brand, Marketing & Communications will work with page administrators to devise strategies to enhance their presence or help them determine if they wish to move forward with the account or not.

The Office of University Housing retains the right to enforce the following policies. 

  1. Door-to-door solicitation, distribution, and/or handbill posting is always prohibited within residence halls without approval.
  2. All fliers, bills, and materials that are distributed through residence halls must be approved by the Office of  University Housing’s Marketing and Communication team. 
Approved materials will be distributed by residence hall staff employed by the Office of University Housing. Violations are subject to immediate removal.
  1. Flyers that meet the above guidelines will be cleared for distribution unless otherwise noted. 
  2. Listed below are guidelines for the distribution of fliers approved by the Office of University Housing.
  3. The Office of University Housing staff is the end distributor of flyers and is ultimately responsible for posting materials. 
  4. Upon receipt of flyers, the Office of University Housing will distribute flyers to residence halls for posting. 
  5. Flyers will be posted near the residence hall's front desk and on each wing or floor, depending on the specific hall staffing structure. Advertisements will not be posted in other locations or on individual room doors.

If you have any questions about this policy please contact the Marketing and Communication Team at 


For prospective audiences, photography is a high-impact opportunity to introduce the FAMU experience—complete with iconic buildings, stunning natural areas, diverse campus activities, and engaged learning. For audiences already familiar with FAMU, photography is an opportunity to evoke an immediate sense of affinity and nostalgia.

Graphics, photography, and illustrations used in OUH publications should reflect the gender, ethnic, and age diversity of the student body. Royalty-free photography may be used if no other photography is available, but not as a first choice. These, too, should reflect the gender, ethnic, and age diversity of the student body or group referenced.

When evaluating photography requests, preference is given to subjects and images that tell OUH’s most compelling stories and express the brand’s promise of supporting individual purpose, career success, and well-being. Images should highlight our College’s mission and pride, and position us as the first choice for students, donors, talent, and policy-makers.

Ideal Requests 

  • Assignments from the Director’s Office
  • Faculty, Staff Headshots
  • Official University-level events
  • Photos of students participating in hands-on classroom/campus life/lab/internship activities
  • Stories being covered by Marketing & Communications
  • Documenting events that are historically significant to the University
  • Portraits of faculty/staff/students for websites, research projects, and publications

Photography Requests must be made within 14 days before the event. Any request made sooner, will be evaluated by the Marketing & Communications Team.