Benjamin Banneker Tech A, Rm 010
Monday - Friday 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Dr. Chao Li is an Associate Professor in the Division of Engineering Technology under
the School of Architecture and Engineering Technology (SAET) at Florida Agricultural
& Mechanical University (FAMU). He serves as the Program Area Coordinator (PAC) for
the Electronic Engineering Technology (EET) program. Dr. Li’s primary research area
is in electrical engineering, including but not limited to microcontroller, instrumentation,
digital design, and robotics. He is also keen on the engineering education research.
He has received funded research in these areas from a number public and private agencies.
He also has authored and co-authored articles in a number of technical journals and
conferences proceedings in these fields.
Dr. Li has been working with K-12 educators to host VEX Robotics Competition in Tallahassee.
He has helped to bring VEX Robotics Competition to FAMU’s campus. Every spring, FAMU
welcomes around 30 robotics teams from surrounding area. A lot of students in the
local area schools have started participating in the events ever since.
Dr. Li is registered Professional Engineering (PE) in Florida. He is also a senior
member of IEEE and a member of ASEE.
Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Florida International University.
He also has a MBA degree from Florida State University.

- Electronic Design
- Digital Circuit Design
- Microcontroller
- Robotics
- STEM Education
- Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Transportation System

- PhD. In Electrical Engineering
Florida International University
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Xi’an Jiaotong University

- Chao Li, “An Integrative Approach to Face and Expression Recognition from 3D Scans”, Included
in Chapter 16 of the book “Face Recognition”, Published by INTECH Publishing Company,
ISBN # 978-953-307-060-6.
- Chao Li, G. Thomas Bellarmine and Leon Prosper, “Enhancing Students’ Learning in Electronic
Engineering Technology Courses by Using Tablet PC Technology”, “Re-Imaging the Classroom”
Book Series by HP Company
- Antonio Soares, Chao Li “Using Solar Energy in Robotics and Small-Scale Electronic Applications” International
Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation, Vol3 Issue 2, pp27-30, 2011
- Chao Li, Antonio Soares, "Measuring Clock Signal Jitter”, Technology Interfacing International
Journal, Vol11, Number 2, pp10-15,2011.
- Chao Li, and Antonio Soares, “Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Faces” International
Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation, Vol3 Issue 1,pp30-34, 2011
- Chao Li, "Intelligent 3D Face Recognition”, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 5370,
pp 416-425, 2008.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "Biometric Recognition of 3D Faces and Expressions”, WSEAS Transaction
on Biology and Biomedicine, Vol 3, Issue 2, pp 118-124, 2006.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, Craig Chin, Jing Zhai, "Biometric Identification using 3D Face
Scans”, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol 42, pp. 360-365,2006.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "Profile-Based 3D Face Registration and Recognition," Lecture Notes
on Computer Science, vol. 3506, pp. 484-494, 2005.
- Craig Chin, Armando Barreto, Chao Li, Jing Zhai, "Hands-free Human Computer interaction via an electromyogram-based classification
algorithm," Biomedical Science Instrumentation, vol. 41, pp 31-36, 2005.
- Jing Zhai, Armando Barreto, Craig Chin, Chao Li, "User Stress Detection in Human-Computer Interactions," Biomedical Science Instrumentation,
vol. 41, pp. 277-286, 2005.
- Chao Li, Jing Zhai, Armando Barreto, "Digital Signal Processing Methods for the Evaluation
of Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) Waveform Changes due to Exercise," Biomedical Science
Instrumentation, vol. 39, pp. 163-168, 2003.
- Armando Barreto, Chao Li, Jing Zhai, "Computer Evaluation of Exercise Based on Blood Volume Pulse(BVP) Waveform
Changes," WSEAS Transaction on Biology and Biomedicine, vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 120-125,
- Elijah Bond-Hawkins, Alif Khawand, Chao Li, Doreen, Kobelo, “The Smart Parking Lot: Proof of Concept with Prototype Design”,
accepted to Proceeding of the 102nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington DC, 2023.
- Graham Brandon, Chao Li, Doreen, Kobelo, “Smart Car Seat to Prevent Heat Related Deaths of Children Left
Alone Inside Cars”, Proceeding of the 100th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, Washington DC No. 21- 01747. 2021.
- Chao Li, Doreen and Kobelo “Design of “Smart Car Seat” to Prevent Heat Related Deaths of
Children Left Alone inside Cars”, Proceeding of 18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference
for Engineering, Education, and Technology, July 29-31, 2020
- Michael Moore and Chao Li “Smart Car Seat " Proceeding of Sino-American Forum, 2017.
- Chao Li, and Antonio Soares, “Overview of ABET Accredited Online Engineering/Engineering
Technology Programs in the US " Proceeding of 2017 American Society of Engineering
Education (ASEE) Zone II Conference, 2017.
- Antonio Soares, Chao Li etc. “Senior Design Projects Using Basic-Stamp Microcontrollers" Proceeding of 2015
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference.
- Antonio Soares, Chao Li etc. “Implementation of a STEM Summer Enrichment Program in a Low-Income Community"
Proceeding of 2013 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference.
- Antonio Soares, Chao Li etc. “Experiences in Developing a Robotics Course for Electronic Engineering Technology"
Proceeding of 2013 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference.
- Chao Li, and Antonio Soares, “Senior Design Projects Using C-Stamp Microcontrollers "Proceeding
of 2012 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference.
- Chao Li, and Antonio Soares, “Development of a Renewable Energy Course in Electronic Engineering
Technology (EET) Program" Proceeding of 2011 American Society of Engineering Education
(ASEE) Conference.
- Chao Li, and Antonio Soares, “DSP Based Jitter Measuring Method “Proceeding of 2011 American
Society f Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference.
- Antonio Soares and Chao Li, “Automated Remote-Controlled Drink Dispensing System for the Physically Impaired:
A Capstone Project “Proceeding of 2011 American Society f Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Chao Li, G. Thomas Bellarmine and Leon Prosper, "Enhancing students’ learning in Electronic
Engineering Technology courses by using mobile Tablet PC technology" Proceeding of
2009 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "Intelligent Expression-independent Face Recognition Algorithm”
Proceeding of Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics and Robot Showcase
(FCRAR 2006).
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "3D Face Expression Recognition for Enhancement of Human Computer
Interface” Proceeding of 19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research
Society Conference (Flairs 2006), pp. 172-173.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "A Framework for Recognition of 3D Faces and Expressions,” Proceeding
of SPIE Conference of Biometric Technology for Human Identification III, Vol 6202.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "An Integrated 3D Face-Expression Recognition Approach" Proceeding
of 31st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP
2006), pp. 1132-1135.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "3D Face Recognition in Biometrics” Proceedings of 2006 WSEAS International
Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology (MABE ’06), Miami, FL, pp. 87-92, 2006.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "Integrated 3D Expression Recognition and Face Recognition " Proceedings
of the workshop of 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Security, Xi’an, China, pp. 202-207.
- Jing Zhai, Armando Barreto, Craig Chin, Chao Li, "Realization of Stress Detection using Psychophysiological Signals for Improvement
of Human-Computer Interactions," IEEE SoutheastCon 2005, pp.415-420.
- Craig Chin, Armando Barreto, Jing Zhai, Chao Li, "New Classification Algorithm for Electromyography-Based Computer Cursor Control
System," IEEE SoutheastCon 2005, pp. 428-432.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, Jing Zhai, Craig Chin, "Exploring Face Recognition Using 3D Profiles
and Contours," IEEE SoutheastCon 2005, pp. 576-579.
- Chao Li, Armando Barreto, "Face Registration and Recognition Using Profiles in 3D Range Images,"
proceedings of the First Conference on Information Systems: New Generation, Las Vegas,
NV, 2004, pp. 73-78
- Chao Li, Jing Zhai, Armando Barreto, "Signal Processing Quantification of Changes in the
Blood Volume Pulse(BVP) Waveform due to Exercise," proceedings of 25th IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 2003,

- EET 2150 Electronic Devices
- EET 2150L Electronic Devices Lab
- ETI 4671 Principal of Engineering Economics
- CET 3468 Computer Aided Circuit Analysis
- CET 4149 Microprocessor Interfacing
- CET 4149L Microprocessor Interfacing Lab
- EET 2035 & 2036 Electronic Fundamentals I & II
- EET 2035L & 2036L Electronic Fundamentals I & II Lab
- CET 2123 Microprocessor Fundamentals
- CET 2123L Microprocessor Fundamentals Lab
- EET 4165 & 4166 Electronic Design I & II
- EET 4165L & 4166L Electronic Design I & II Lab