Benjamin Banneker Tech B, Rm 205
Monday 11:00-1:00
Wednesday 11:00-1:00
Thursday 1:00-2:00

Dr. Behnam Shadravan is an Associate Professor in the Division of Engineering Technology
under the School of Architecture and Engineering Technology (SAET) at Florida Agricultural
& Mechanical University (FAMU). He serves as the Program Area Coordinator for the
Construction Engineering Technology program. He earned his Bachelor and Master of
Science in Civil Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology and a Ph.D.
from the University of Ottawa, Canada. His background includes engineering, research,
and teaching experience in Construction Management, Materials and Methods, and Structural,
Civil, and Geotechnical Engineering. His research areas are Structural Resilience,
Sustainable Construction Methods and Materials, Sustainable Development, Structural
Retrofitting, Structural Damage and Collapse Patterns, Soil Improvement Methods, and
engineering education. He has a broad engineering experience in large and small-scale
projects, including large dams, bridges, and buildings in different fields of Construction,
geotechnical and structural engineering.

- Structural Resilience in Hurricanes and Earthquakes
- Sustainable Construction Methods and Materials
- Modern Structural and Construction Assessment
- Structural Retrofitting of Bridges, Dams, and Buildings
- Structural Damage and Collapse Patterns in Hurricanes and Earthquakes
- Sustainable Development Planning and Application
- Humanistic Construction Management
- Soil Improvement Methods
- Engineering Education

- PhD. In Civil Engineering • 2010
University of Ottawa, Department of Civil Engineering
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering • 1996
Sharif University of Technology, Dep. of Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, • 1993
Sharif University of Technology, Dep. of Civil Engineering

- Associate Professor, Tenured, Program Area Coordinator for Construction Engineering
Technology • 2022 - Present
Florida A&M University SAET
- Assistant Professor, Tenure Earning • 2016 - 2022
Florida A&M University SAET
- Visiting Assistant Professor • 2014 - 2016
Florida A&M University SAET
- Teaching Assistant Professor • 2012 - 2014
Penn State University Behrend, Dep. of Mechanical Eng.
- Associate Professor Tenure Earning • 2010 - 2012
Com. College of Allegheny County, Eng. Tech. Dep.
- Visiting Research Assistant Professor • 2012
University of Pittsburgh Dep. of Civil Engineering
- Internship Program, Sewage and Road Construction, Asphalt and Concrete • 2010
City of Ottawa
- Project Manager & Research Engineer Buildings, Dams, and Bridges • 1998-2004
Sadr Sazeh Company
- Project Engineer and Supervising Engineer, Dam Projects • 1996-98
Mahab Consulting Eng. Co
- Research Engineer • 1995-96
Int. Inst. of earthquake Eng. and seismology (IIEES)

- 2019-20 An Investigation on The Marijuana Consumption in The Construction Industry in Florida
The FAMU Marijuana Education and Research Initiative Mini-Grant
- 2019 Applied for the NSF Grant about High Wind Disaster Resilience for Residential Construction
- 2010 Nominated for the best Ph.D. thesis prize at University of Ottawa
- 2015 Lab Equipment grant team member for construction, concrete and soil labs, FAMU
- 2004-2009 Entrance Scholarship Graduate studies in PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa
- 2006-2008 Public works and government services Canada research grant
- 2008 Best posters grant, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa
- 2008 Explore French language training Government of Canada Grant, University of Laval

- Shadravan, B. and Shadravan, S. (2022) Case Studies of Building Resilience in Hurricanes, Proceedings
of 6th Conference of Case Studies of Building Resilience in Hurricanes, May 2022.
- Shadravan, S. and Ramseyer, C. Shadravan, B. (2022) Performance of OSB and SFS Shear Walls in Residential Building, Proceedings
of 6th Conference of Case Studies of Building Resilience in Hurricanes, May 2022
- Shadravan, B. (2022) Student Perceptions about Marijuana Use in the Construction Industry, The ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2022.
- Shadravan, B. (2022) An innovative Practice of Critical Thinking in an Undergraduate Construction
Course Project, The ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2022.
- Shadravan, B. (2019) The Lessons for Hurricane Resilience, International Conference on Sustainable
infrastructure, Los Angeles California, ASCE, 2019.
- Shadravan, B. and Shadravan, S. (2019) An Investigation of Building Resilience in Hurricanes Case
Study: Harvey and Irma 2017 Hurricanes, paper and presentation, AEI conference, ASCE.
- Shadravan, B. (2022) An investigation of the Hurricanes Resiliency of Residential Building Case
Study: Damages and Collapses of the Hurricane Michael and Florence, 6th Residential
Building Design & Construction Conference, Penn State university State college.
- Shadravan, S. and Shadravan, B. (2019) The Ancient Persian Domes and Arches, Where the Structural, Spiritual and Architectural
Aspects Coincide, proceeding paper and presentation, AEI conference, ASCE, 2019.
- Zahra Golshani, Shadravan, B., Leon Prosper (2019) A Review of The Community Resilience Plans for Environmental
Sustainability in Florida, International Conference on Sustainable infrastructure,
Los Angeles California, ASCE, 2019.
- Shadravan, B. and Shadravan, S. (2022) An Analytical Approach to Assess the Structural Resiliency
and Sustainability of Wood Shear Walls Approved Abstract, Penn State university State
- Shadravan, B. (2019) A Research on the Bond Behavior of FRP sheets on concrete and Masonry Substrates,
Structural Graduate Seminars, Presentation in FSU-FAMU College of Engineering, January
24, 2019.
- Shadravan, B. (2019) Case Study of the Role of NGOs on the Resilience of IR Communities in Response
to Natural Disasters: Preparation, Crisis Management and Recovery, Shadravan, Approved
Presentation, International Conference on Sustainable infrastructure, Los Angeles
California, 2019.
- Shadravan, B., Fariborz M. Tehrani (2017) A review of direct shear testing configurations for Bond
between Fiber-Reinforced Polymer sheets on Concrete and Masonry Substrates, Periodica
Polytechnica Civil Engineering, https://pp.bme.hu/ci/article/view/9090/7338 2
- Elizabeth Berry, Shadravan, B., Fariborz Tehrani (2017) A Sustainable Approach to Assess the Resilience of Perforated
Wood Shear Walls, Architectural Engineering Institute ASCE Conference 2017, Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma University, April 11-13.
- Shadravan, B., Emmanuel Cofie, Yves Anglade (2017) Undergraduate Student Assessment of Construction
Education: A Case Study, American Society for Engineers Education, ASEE Proceeding
and presentation in Annual Conference, June 25-28 2017. 4.
- Shadravan, B., Keshia Torruella, Yves Anglade (2017) Case study of a Distance Learning Experience
in Construction Technology Program, American Society for Engineers Education, ASEE,
Proceeding and poster presentation in Annual Conference, June 25-28 2017. 4.
- Shadravan, B. (2016) Future of earthquake engineering research in building construction in Iran,
Shargh Persian Magazine.
- Vafai, A., Fakhrimoghadam, P ., Shadravan, B. and Saatcioglu, M. (2014) Interfacial
Stress Analysis of Straight/Curved RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Laminates, Journal
of Reinforced Plastics and Composites.
- Shadravan, B. (2012) Dams impact on heritage, Dams and Heritage Seminar, University of Ottawa, 2012.
- Shadravan, B. (2012) Dams as heritage, Dams and Heritage Seminar, University of Ottawa.
- Shadravan, B., M. Saatcioglu (2011) Surface bond characteristics of FRP sheets for seismic retrofit
applications, 9th US Nat. and 10th Canadian Conf. on earthquake Eng. Toronto, Jul
- Shadravan, B. (2010) Investigation of surface bond behavior of FRP sheets on concrete and Masonry
Substrates. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Ottawa, Canada 179 P.
- Shadravan, B. (2009) Bond Behavior of Surface-Bonded FRP Sheets for Seismic Retrofitting, CSRN
Graduate Student Conference, McGill university, Montreal, September 2009.
- Shadravan, B., M. Saatcioglu (2009) The effect of cyclic loading on performance of surface bonded
FRP sheets on concrete, 9th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforcement for Concrete
Structures, Sydney, Australia, July 2009.
- Shadravan, B. (2009) Bond Behavior of FRP Sheets on Concrete and Masonry, University of Ottawa
Graduate Student Seminar and Poster Competition.
- Shadravan, B. (2008) Plastic concrete construction in Karkheh Dam, Hydro Quebec, Aug. 2008, Montreal.
- Shadravan, B. (2007) Construction of Karkheh Dam Cutoff Wall, Dams and Reservoir Journal, The journal
of the British Dam Society, pp9-15, November 2007, UK.
- Shadravan, B., Saatcioglu, M. Food, S. (2007) An Investigation on the Bond Length of FRP Sheets
on Concrete Substrate, 8th Int. Symposium on Fiber Reinforcement for Concrete Structures,
University of Parts, Greece.
- Shadravan, B., Pakzad M., and Mirghasemi, A.A. (2006) The Analysis and Design Criteria of the Karkheh
Dam Cutoff wall, IRCOLD Workshop on Karkheh Dam Cutoff Wall, 12p, Oct.2006.
- Shadravan, B., Mirghasemi, A.A. and Pakzad, M. (2005) Karkheh dam Cutoff wall Analysis and design,
ASCE, Proceedings of Fifth international conference on Case histories in Geotechnical
Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
- Shadravan, B., Pakzad, M. Shadravan, B., and Tarkeshduz N. (2004) Cost and Advantage Evaluation
of Karkheh Dam Foundation Water-tightening System, Proceedings of 56th Canadian Geotechnical
Conference, Manitoba, Canada.
- Mirghasemi, A.A., Pakzadand M. Shadravan, B. (2004) The world’s largest cutoff wall at Karkheh dam, Hydropower and Dams Journal,
Issue 2, pp90-94.
- SadrSazeh Research Group (2000-2004) Karkheh dam construction project, large excavation
under water level, dam foundation improvement, dam body material for embankment, rock-fill
and concrete dams, water tunnels.
- Shadravan, B. (2003) An Overview to Small Hydropower Programming in Developing Countries, Proceedings
of The First National Hydro Power Conference, 6p, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
- SadrSazeh Research Group (2003) The summary book of Karkheh storage dam, Phase I:
Studies, 200 p. Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers Company, 2003, Tehran.
- Shadravan, B., A. H. Azadmanesh (2003) Final Report of Karkheh Dam Cutoff Wall, Mahab Ghodss Consulting
Eng. Co., 209p, Tehran, Iran.
- SadrSazeh Co Research Group (2003) Masjed Soleiman Dam and Hydropower Plant Technical
Documentation Master Plan, 300p.
- SadrSazeh Koosha Co. (2003) Tehran, Research Group, Masjed Soleiman Dam and Hydropower
Plant Construction Problems Systematic Classification Research Report, 100p, SadrSazeh
Koosha Co., 400p.
- SadrSazeh Co Research Group (2003) Masjed Soleiman Dam and Hydropower Plant Technical
Documentation Master Plan, 300p, SadrSazeh Koosha Co., Tehran, Iran.
- SadrSazeh Co Research Group (2002) Masjed Soleiman Dam and Hydropower Plant Construction
Problems Systematic Classification Research Report, 100p, SadrSazeh Koosha Co., 400p.
- Shadravan, B. et. al. (2002) Boiling phenomena in cutoff wall construction of Karkheh' dam, Mahab
Ghodss Consulting Engineers Company, 92 Pages.
- Consulting Engineers Group (2001) Karkheh dam, technical report of dam body and foundation,
Mahab Ghodss consulting engineer company, 138 Pages.

- ETC 4454 Reinforced Concrete Design I
- ETC 4455 Reinforced Concrete Design II
- BCN 3720 Construction Planning and Scheduling
- ETC 3211 Soil Mechanics and Foundations
- ETC 2140 Elementary Surveying
- BCN 4782 Construction Computer Programs
- ETG 4454L Reinforced Concrete Lab
- ETC 3211L Soil Mechanics Lab
- ETC 2140L Elementary Surveying Lab