Walter Smith Architecture Bldg Room #232
Monday • 9:00 a.m -11:00 a.m
Wednesday • 9:00 a.m -11:00 a.m
Friday • 9:00 a.m -11:00 a.m

Andrew Chin is the Dean of the School of Architecture + Engineering Technology (SAET)
at Florida A&M University (FAMU) and has 30 years of administrative and architecture
teaching experience. He earned his Bachelor of Design and Master of Architecture from
the University of Florida and a Master of Science in Urban & Regional Planning at
Florida State University. Since 1991, Chin has taught design studios, thesis research,
and urban design classes at FAMU, the University of Florida, and the Georgia Institute
of Technology.
With more than $1 million in external funding from federal agencies (EDA, HUD, and
the National Park Service), the Florida Department of Community Affairs, the Florida
Division of Historical Resources, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation,
and local planning agencies, Chin’s research exposes the intersection of race and
urban form in North Florida communities. Routledge and the University of Chicago Press
have published his scholarship. His contribution to education was recognized by the
National Organization of Minority Architects (2000) with the President’s Award, by
the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) with the Robert R. Taylor
Faculty Research Award (2000), and again by the ACSA with a Course Development Prize
in Architecture, Climate Change, and Society (2021).

- Urban Design
- Design Justice
- Design Education

- Master of Science in Planning • 2017
Florida State Univ., Dept. of Urban + Regional Planning
- Management Development Program • 2015
Harvard University Graduate School of Education
- Master of Architecture, • 1988
University of Florida. School of Architecture
- Bachelor of Design • 1985
University of Florida, School of Architecture

- Associate Professor, Tenured • 2002 - Present
Florida A&M University SAET
- Assistant Professor, Tenure Earning • 1999 - 2002
Florida A&M University, School of Architecture
- Instructor • 1996 - 1998
Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Architecture
- Assistant Professor, Tenure Earning • 1993 - 1995
Florida A&M University, School of Architecture
- Instructor • 1991 - 1993
Florida A&M University, School of Architecture
- Instructor • 1987 - 1988
University of Florida. School of Architecture

Professor Chin has secured more than $1 million from the following agencies:

Chin, A. & Williams, D.O. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Architectural Education
at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Chapter included in J. Ockman and
P. Laurence (Ed.), Historical Perspectives on the Formation of the Architect: Case Studies on Architecture
Education in the United States. (2023). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Mohsenin, M., Chin, A., Climate Justice, and Sea-Level Rise. Proceedings of Santiago, Chile's 36th Passive
and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Conference. (2022). Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design PLEAS STGO 2022. Santiago, Chili: PLEA.
Chin, A., The ACP Project: Focus Groups, Interviews, + Ethnographic Research. Proceedings
of ARCC-EAAE 2022 International Conference in Miami, FL. Jarrett, C., Sharag-Eldin,
A., & Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC). (2022). RESILIENT CITY: Physical,
Social, and Economic Perspectives. Miami, FL: Architectural Research Centers Consortium.
- Chin, A., Lumpkin, R. & Williams, D.O. Race and Gender in Architecture Education: A Distance
Learning Model. Chapter included in C. J. Bell (Ed.), Space unveiled: Invisible cultures in the design studio (196-205). (2015). New York, NY: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Space-Unveiled-Invisible-Cultures-in-the-Design-Studio/Bell/p/book/9781138229280#:~:text=Space%20Unveiled%20is%20a%20significant,of%20the%20culture%20remains%20hidden
- Lescop, L., Chin, A., Ehtemami, A., Bernadin, S., Park, S., FAMU Digital Documentation, a VR narrative
for architectural education. 15th Biennial International Conference of the European
Architectural Envisioning Association EAEA15, Danilo Di Mascio, Sep 2021, Huddersfield,
United Kingdom. pp.483-494. hal-03523016
- Chin, A. and Gamez, J., The Need for Not-So-White Papers. Proceedings of the ACSA 2019 Fall
Conference in Stanford, CA. Larimer, A., Bald, S., & Association of Collegiate Schools
of Architecture. (2019). LESS TALK | MORE ACTION Conscious Shifts in Architectural Education. Washington, DC: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. https://www.acsa-arch.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019-Fall-Conference-Abstract-Book.pdf
- Chin, A., Race + Campus Travel Behavior. Proceedings of the 105th ACSA Annual Meeting in
Detroit, MI. Francisco Rico-Gutierrez, L., Thorne, M., & Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture. (2017). Brooklyn says Move to Detroit: Health + Design Session. Washington, DC: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
- Chin, A., Lumpkin, R. & Williams, D.O. Diversity Awareness Survey. Proceedings of the 102nd
ACSA Annual Meeting in Miami, FL. Stuart, J. A., Wilson, M., & Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture. (2014). Globalizing architecture: Flows and disruptions. Washington, DC: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. ISDN 978-0-935502-89-3.
- Chin, A. (2004). Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, School of Architecture. Chapter
in D.S. Wilson (Ed.), African American architects: a biographical dictionary, 1865-1945. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 978-041592959

- Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change, and Society, Association
of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). • 2021
- Robert R. Taylor Faculty Research Award, American Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
• 2000
- President's Award, National Organization of Minority Architects • 2000
- Faculty Development Fellowship, US Department of Education • 1995

- ARC 1301 Design 1.1
- ARC 1302 Design 1.2
- ARC 2303 Architectural Design 2.1
- ARC 2304 Architectural Design 2.2
- ARC 2702 Architectural History II
- ARC 5934 Urban Design Seminar
- ARC 5936 Thesis Topic Seminar
- ARC 6910 Intro Thesis Planning & Research