Office of Publications

The Office of Publications is committed to supporting the efforts of Florida A&M University in upholding its motto of “Excellence With Caring.” The Office helps to identify communications needs and messages through the creation of high-quality publications.

The publications office is designed as a full-service agency that offers a variety of technical and creative expertise. The experienced publications staff is here to help you accomplish your objectives and goals in producing the perfect product.



Florida A&M University has a mission and goal to serve the citizens of Florida and the nation through its academic programs of higher education. In order to present the programs and services available at this institution, pertinent information must be available and distributed to various publics.

The mission of the Office of Publications is to maintain quality and consistent standards in the official publications of FAMU. The office is charged with responsibility for coordinating requests for printing and related services to:

  1.  To ensure accuracy of information distributed to the public
  2. To provide editorial and production assistance; and
  3. To take advantage of economics in the mechanics of printing.

Therefore, the Office of Publications is the official supervisory, as well as advisory unit for members of the University faculty, staff and students on matters pertaining to printed materials. While each department and program at FAMU is unique, all are apart of this illustrious academic institution founded in 1887 to give young men and young women the opportunity for a quality education. This is why the Office of Publications works hard to communicate these distinctive characteristics while also ensuring that all publications look like they come from the same cohesive institution. This is why publication guidelines and styles are essential.

Publications Policy

Externally distributed publications must be reviewed by the Office of Publications to guarantee that all publications representing Florida A&M University demonstrate a consistent message and image. The publications office will review materials based upon the established printing guidelines. In general, these guidelines apply to official university Web sites, as well.

Exceptions include publications edited and produced by students, flyers or posters for events funded by student activities fees, internal office correspondence, faculty works, textbooks and materials for classroom use.

A successful identity program is dependent on the cooperation of all members of the University community; therefore, resulting in improved communications.


Like Florida A&M University's motto: "Excellence With Caring," the Office of Communications is committed to excellence in producing professionally printed publications.

Our goal is to ensure, through proper planning, that the finished product accurately reflects the intended message. Determining the kind of publication needed and how to best produce it is what our staff of editors, graphic designers and production experts are trained to do.

Official publications that offer pertinent information about Florida A&M University, its purpose, objectives, programs of instruction, public services and information for prospective students, faculty and staff are published through the Publications Office. These publications include catalogs, schedules, reports handbooks, manuals, brochures, directories and other general information documents.

The Office of Communications is the starting point for all projects produced in the university print shop.

University Publications is charged with interpretation and control of all institutional publications (excluding student publications) that involve the use of the name, seal, and/or logo of the University.

All official publications should maintain a consistent institutional image.

The official seal of Florida A&M University is used only for formal usage, i.e., for diplomas, invitations to University functions or official University statements. The presence of the seal authenticates publications as an official document from Florida A&M University.

The use of the university shield or logo must be approved by the Office of Communications.

The University shield, "Excellence With Caring," institutional logos, "Rattler" and "FAMU" may be used in publications requiring a symbol of identity, such as catalogs, handbooks, brochures, programs, fliers, invitations, bookmarks, posters and paraphernalia. Generally, one logo per publication is sufficient. However before deciding to design a publication on your own, consult with the Office of Communications.

Requests for camera-ready copies of the official and other university logos should be made through the office of University publications. Scanned or modified versions of Florida A&M University logos are in direct violation to university publications guidelines.




The official colors of Florida A&M University are orange and green. More specifically, the correct orange to use on any printed material is Pantone Matching System number 151 (PMS 151). The University uses Pantone Matching System number 348 (PMS 348) as its official green. Using the above specifications will ensure that the University's colors are consistent.

 Pantone Matching System  PMS 348   Pantone Matching System  PMS 151
 PMS 348 - Dark Green  PMS 151 - Orange



The acceptable listings for Florida A&M University are in keeping with the national trend of reference to entities or institutions by acronym, which should not be confused with abbreviations.

Acceptable listings: Listings to avoid:
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
(formal, used for invitations, letterhead, etc.)

Florida A and M University

Florida A&M University
(most frequently used)

Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University


Florida A. and M. University

(with no space between characters)







University Publications is charged with coordinating the production of all university-wide publications to include documents such as the FAMU General Catalog, recruitment material, campus map, faculty/staff telephone directory, convocation programs, president's reports, budget reports and legislative budget requests. The Office of Communications also provides complete service to university departments offering expert help from the planning stage to the finished project.

Planning is the responsibility of the department. Production is the responsibility of University Publications. Through this shared responsibility, the Office of Communications will work to produce your product in a timely and cost-efficient way.


Priority guidelines for completion of publications are:

  1. Publications essential to the instructional mission of the university (e.g. catalogs) or by Presidential directive.
  2. Publications representing the University as a whole (e.g., university-wide recruitment brochures, informational brochures, newsletters and departmental communications)
  3. Publications for individuals/departments.

However, these priorities may be altered in certain situations when it becomes necessary to produce special publications that are timely and important to the mission of the university.

When considering developing a new publication, a meeting should be scheduled with the director of University Publications. Critical to the outcome of the product are a number of factors.
They include:

  1. The budget figure, including quantity and date needed.
  2. The general idea and audience
  3. Expectation of the finished product.

It might be helpful to bring sample publications similar to what you expect of your finished piece to the initial meeting. Projects usually are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Telling us you need it as soon as possible does not speed up the process.

Time Requirements

The time required to print documents vary. Determining factors include the length of the manuscript, the complexity of the design, the kind of printing required, the schedules and workloads of the various offices and printers. Quality work can seldom be done in a hurry.

Listed below are some timelines for publications produced regularly through the Office of Communications.

  •  Single-page documents • 3 weeks
  •  Multi-page documents • 5 weeks
  •  Invitations, posters, placards, flyers • 2 weeks
  •  Larger jobs • 12 weeks
  •  Color publications • minimum of 30 working days.

Outside Printing Jobs

Some larger jobs require that printing be done off-campus. Because the Office of Communications is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all publications are in line with guidelines, it is wise to consult with our office before seeking outside printing advice.

Outside printing jobs require a completed publication request form, specifications form, cost computation worksheet and required statement of cost and purpose — and other supporting documents from the Office of Communications. These forms must be submitted prior to clearance for printing/production.

During the consultation with staff in the publications office about your outside print job, suggestions about vendors will be introduced. It is suggested that a minimum of three price quotes from selected vendors be requested. The vendor with the lowest bid for the job is normally selected for the contract. Other factors such as turn-around time and production capabilities of the vendor can influence the selection as well. University Publications will provide assistance in obtaining price quotes upon request by the department.


Letterhead, Envelopes and Business Cards

All Florida A&M University letterhead, envelopes and business cards are standardized to provide consistent institutional identity.

A standard format has been established for University letterhead stationery and envelopes. All units of the University must use only the standard format. The Office of Communications will help prepare specifications upon request.

Traditionally printed stationery is not to be personalized. Business Cards are the appropriate place for such personalized information. The names of departments as they appear on stationery is strictly controlled by the University. Prior approval for changes or additions must be requested through the Office of Communications.

When requesting new letterhead/envelopes, the following information must be provided: department name, telephone and fax numbers including area code, and nine-digit zip code.

All requisitions for letterhead stationery and envelopes should be sent directly to the Office of Communications for clearance before forwarding it to the purchasing department.

The specifications for University stationery are:

PAPER:  must be 8 1/2 x 11, White No. 1 Watermark Bond Sulphite. INK:  Black text (excluding "Excellence With Caring") Orange and/or Green --- University seal; and "Excellence With Caring"


White, No. 10 stock. The shield and excellence with caring motto will be printed in orange and green ink. Return address should be printed in black.

University business cards are important in keeping with the consistent visual identity for the university; they also provide a professional touch. The card includes the individual's name, title, position, business address, telephone, suncom and fax numbers and e-mail address. University personnel wanting to purchase business cards should consult staff in the Office of Communications for assistance.


All publications produced by FAMU, costing in excess of $15,000, which are not working documents (documents used in the normal routine of work including test papers, office forms, general correspondence, etc.) must contain the following statement of cost and purpose:

This public document was promulgated at a total cost of $_________, or $_________ per copy, to (state purpose of the document).

This statement should be displayed in a conspicuous manner, enclosed in a two-point box, and should be the same size as the body type of the publications. Suggestions: inside front cover, inside back cover, first page

Also the document should display on either the inside front cover, the first page, the inside back cover or the outside back cover the following: "FAMU is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University"

It is the policy of FAMU to assure that each member of the University community be permitted to work or attend classes in an environment free from any form of discrimination including race, creed, color, age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, veteran status and sexual harassment as prohibited by state and federal statutes. This shall include applicants for admission to the University and employment.

Each announcement, bulletin, catalog and application form must contain the EOE non-discrimination policy. All publications must be free of illustrations or text that suggests differential treatments of students or employees on the basis of sex.


Devices for use in lotteries, raffles or other regulated games of chance will be produced only after appropriate written authorization has been granted and presented.

Copyrighted materials need permission from the copyright holder. Clearance is granted through the Office of Communications.


The requesting department is responsible for providing specific instructions regarding delivery of printed jobs.


Limited design services are available through the Division of Graphic Arts. For information regarding services, call (850) 599-3413.



Request Our Services

The Office of Communications is eager to help promote and build the FAMU brand by assisting you with communication and marketing-related projects. To request services, please fill out our online request form.

Request Our Services