Media Relations

The Office of Communications Division of Media Relations is charged with telling and sharing the Florida A&M University story. We facilitate media and photography requests as well as disseminate stories generated by University communicators to local, state and national media.


The Division of Media Relations prepares and distributes all press releases to local, regional, and national media except releases regarding sports-related activities. The press releases range from major stories about achievements by faculty, administrators and students to public service announcements. Some stories may be distributed only to the local media depending on the subject and relevance. We also provide tips for writing press releases:

Keep headlines short, punchy and to the point
Keep pertinent info (time/date/location) in the first paragraph
Try to include a quote if possible
Keep release to one page, two at the most
Photos should be full-resolution, but no more than 1MB.
Send to our Office for review before releasing to the public

Press Conferences
The Office of Communications is responsible for coordinating all university press conferences.  Individuals interested in scheduling a press conference can contact (850) 599-3413.

Media Requests

The Office of Communications provides access to faculty experts, thought leaders, researchers and student leaders to discuss aspects of their work and accomplishments. Media requests can be emailed to or 

Photography & Videography

The Office of Communications provides photography and videography services for major University events. The staff can also assist offices, divisions, schools and colleges in security contractual photography and videography services as needed.


The bi-weekly e-newsletter highlights people, events and news at Florida A&M University.  Staff and/or faculty members will be featured along with students and alumni who are doing great things at FAMU and in the community. Contact to submit your story idea or news tip.

Social Media

The Media Relations team manages all official University social media, including FAMU Twitter, FAMU Instagram, FAMU Facebook, and FAMU YouTube. Any University unit seeking to start or manage a social media page should first consult with this office before doing so in order to receive guidelines and approved social media marketing material. For more information, contact

Media Inquiries

To interview a Florida A&M University administrator, faculty or staff member, or student, contact (850) 599-3413.

Official University Responses

For official responses from the University, please contact  (850) 599-3413.

Reporters on Campus

Journalists who wish to come to Florida A&M University’s campus to report on events, conduct interviews, attend press conferences or take photos or video can contact the Office of Media Relations at (850) 599-3413 for assistance. Members of the office can assist reporters and, in many cases, help save them time and effort. Journalists are asked to visit the Office of Communications, Lee Hall, Room 203, at the start of their visit to ensure best results.

Public Records Requests

Need to make a public records request? Under the Freedom of Information Act, Florida Statute 119.01 (1) “It is the policy of this state that all state, county and municipal records shall be open for personal inspection by any person.”  The Office of Communications handles all public records requests.  When requesting a public record, individuals can submit their request by contacting Fees for public records are assessed in accordance with Florida Statute 119.

"Great things happen at Florida A&M University everyday. Our role is to tell those stories."
Asst. Director Media Relations