


The Office of Compliance & Ethics has the authority to review or investigate allegations of misconduct in any area of the university, including schools, colleges, administrative departments, auxiliary enterprises, and support organizations. Reviews and investigations shall not be restricted or limited by management, the University President, or the Board of Trustees.

Accordingly, the OCE is authorized to:

  • Have unrestricted and timely access to records, data, personnel, and physical property relevant to performing compliance reviews and investigations, and to allow for appropriate oversight and guidance related to compliance, ethics, and risk mitigation efforts.
  • Allocate resources, establish schedules, select subjects, determine scopes of work, and apply the techniques required to accomplish objectives;
  • Obtain the timely assistance and cooperation of personnel in areas of the University where reviews and investigations are performed, as well as other specialized services from within or outside the University; and
  • Have free and unrestricted access to the University President and Board of Trustees


University Compliance and Ethics Charter    Compliance and Ethics Programs


Reporting Suspected Violations


Members of the University community are required to report violations of applicable University policy, government contracts, and grant requirements, as well as state and federal laws and regulations. Prompt reporting of possible violations is required as it gives the University the opportunity to investigate the matter and take corrective action where needed. Complainants may initially report their concerns through their normal management chain of command, beginning with one’s immediate supervisor. If it is inappropriate to report to the immediate supervisor, (e.g., the suspected violation is by the manager or the complainant is generally uncomfortable), individuals may go to a higher level of management within the college, department, or report directly to the Office of Compliance and Ethics, Office of General Counsel, Division of Audit, the Office of Human Resources or the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs. Managerial and supervisory personnel must maintain an open-door policy and take proactive measures to assure their staff that the institution supports a culture that values ethical behavior and compliance. 


Managers/Supervisors are responsible for reporting complaints received to the Office of Compliance and Ethics, either directly or through the University’s Compliance and Ethics Hotline. As appropriate, the Office of Compliance and Ethics coordinates with the Division of Audit, the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs and other relevant areas, both internal and external. Employees are not exempt from the consequences of wrongdoing by self-reporting, although self-reporting may be considered in the determination of an appropriate course of action. 


Members of the University community may use the University Compliance and Ethics Hotline to report complaints of misconduct outlined in this Regulation. The Hotline allows reporting by phone or online, with an option for anonymous reporting. 


While the Office of Compliance and Ethics coordinates the Compliance and Ethics Hotline, violations may also be reported internally to the offices listed above. Externally, suspected violations of state and federal laws may be reported to the Florida Board of Governors’ Office of Inspector General and Director of Compliance or the State of Florida Whistleblower’s Hotline.



False Reports

Submitting a report that is known to be false (made in bad faith) is a violation of this Regulation and will result in discipline up to and including potential termination from employment, in accordance with applicable University regulations, policies, and collective bargaining agreements. 



Preliminary Review and Investigation. University offices tasked with investigation take every reported concern seriously. All concerns will be assessed through intake to determine the appropriate course of action. If an investigation is warranted, such initial investigation will be completed within a reasonable timeframe. The primary investigator will provide appropriate updates to the parties

Investigators are responsible for establishing and maintaining independence so that conclusions and recommendations are impartial in both fact and appearance. The investigator must consider organizational, personal, and external impairments that impact the investigators’ ability to perform work impartially.


Such reports may be made confidentially, and even anonymously. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent legal and practicable, informing only those personnel who have a need to know such information.


All members of the University community are required to cooperate fully in any external or internal investigation. A copy of this Regulation will be provided to all employees.


The integrity of an audit, investigation, or administrative action is vital in ensuring a fair and equitable outcome for all parties involved. Members of the University community are prohibited from impeding any audit or investigation. Examples of interference includes, but is not limited to: disclosing information inappropriately, making false statements, failing to respond timely to requests for information or tampering with evidence.


Decisions to prosecute or refer the investigation results to the appropriate law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies for independent investigation will be made in conjunction with legal counsel and executive level leadership.


Despite the disposition, investigative activity will result in a written report. Reports shall be fair, objective, and present the results of investigation in a clear manner. 




Members of the University community are prohibited from engaging in retaliation against another for reporting compliance or ethics related concerns or participating in an investigation due to such reports. Findings of retaliation are independent of the underlying claim of violation and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in accordance with applicable University regulations, policies, and collective bargaining agreements.




Thomas Wood



Thomas Wood

Compliance Coordinator





Our Commitment 

The Office of Compliance and Ethics (OCE) is committed to the University's core values, including accountability, integrity, and ethics. To that end, our office takes each complaint seriously. OCE reviews for referral or investigates misconduct related to compliance and ethics, including, but not limited to, the following violations or concerns: 

  • Workplace Health and Safety Violations 
  • University Code of Conduct Violations 
  • Falsification of Financial Records, Travel or Expense Reports 
  • Legal or Regulatory Violations 
  • Misuse or Theft of University Property 
  • Research Misconduct 



Compliance and Ethics Hotline



EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service: 
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities. 




Office of C​ompliance & Ethics
105 Foote-Hilyer Administration Center
Tal​lahassee, FL 32305
La'Tonya Baker