Fingerprinting Services

close up of hand collecting fingerprints of a piece of paper
Fingerprinting Services

Fingerprinting is required as a condition of employment for some university employees appointed in areas such as law enforcement, childcare, money handling, and positions of special trust.

Department managers at Florida A&M Universitywill notify prospectivr employees if fingerprinting is a requirement for employment on campus

The Office Of Parking And Transportation offers fingerprinting services on location at the FAMU POM Building

For Your Information
Price $56.50
Hours of Operation


8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Location 2400 Althea Gibson Way, Room 122
Phone Allison McNealy (850) 561-2210
Payment Methods
  • Cash, Credit
  • Debit Card (Visa & MasterCard Logo Only),
  • Money Order
  • Cashier’s Check,
  • Company Check with Federal ID Number 
  • Journal Transfer
  • (No personal Checks accepted) 
Payment Location

Parking Services Cashier Window located at 2400 Wahnish Way

Required Documentation
  • Valid State Driver’s License
  • Valid State Identification Card
  • Valid U.S. Government Identification