This exploration learning community will connect female students who are interested in exploring themselves and an academic major in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This learning community will support these young women in exploring options and developing plans to meet their educational, personal, and career aspirations.
Faculty Liaison: Mrs. Alicia Hudson
This community will provide support and resources to first-year female students that assist in their transition into university life. The community is designed to introduce women students to FAMU, allow them build community, and foster lasting friendships.
Faculty Liaisons:Dr. Angel Forde & Attorney Kenya Washington-Johnson
This community will provide co-curricular activities to support male students interested in Health Sciences, such as Health Care Management, Nursing, and Health Information Management. This community is designed to introduce male students to the University, help them build community as well as build a solid academic foundation.
Faculty Liaison: Mr. Edward Kincheon
This learning community is comprised of male students who participate in structured learning experiences and expose the male learners to potential careers, prompting the academic and social integration of the young men into the University.
Faculty Liaison: Mr. John Harris