Student Organization Practice Space




In efforts to provide active student organizations with as many resources for success as possible, the Efferson Student Union & Activities Office will be opening its doors to the Grand Ballroom.  Active student organizations can now reserve the Grand Ballroom for the purpose having performance practices for FREE.

  • Student organization must complete a Facility Request Form. Request for practice space will be accepted in the Efferson Student Union & Activities Office between 11am-3pm on Fridays for the following week.
  • When submitting, students will need to wait for  their request to be reviewed and approval before occupying any ESAU spaces
  • Practice times are limited to no more than three hours.
  • Student organizations will be limited to two practices per week.
  • Practices are limited to currently enrolled FAMU student and official advisers.  Alumni, children, and guests are not permitted.
  • Efferson Student Union will provide an empty room.  Student organizations are required to return the room to is original condition after each practice. 
  • All members of the student organization must completely vacate the room at the end of their allotted time.  This includes clean up time, breaking down of equipment, and the exiting of members.  
  • Student organizations are responsible for the conduct of members during the practice. 
  • Student organizations are responsible for any damages to the room or equipment in the room during the assigned practice time.  Damages must be reported to ESAU staff on duty immediately. 

The Efferson Union & Activities holds the right to terminate any reservations in the ESAU spaces, including the Grand Ballroom, due to failure to comply with regulations above. 

If terminated, the participating organization(s) will lose this privilege for a minimum of one calendar year. 


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