Perry Paige Bldg Room #103
Mondays • 2:00 p.m - 3:OO p.m
Wednesdays • 2:00 p.m - 3:OO p.m

Dr. Odemari Stephen Mbuya is a professor of Agricultural Sciences, Director of the
Center for Water Resources at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU),
and a Courtesy Professor of Agronomy at the University of Florida/IFAS, where he teaches
Statistical Research Methods, Plant and Soil Sciences. With broad and extensive knowledge
in agriculture, life sciences and sustainable ecosystems for the past thirty years,
Dr. Mbuya leads the faculty effort in integrating all concepts of sustainability in
innovative research and teaching at FAMU. With his extensive education and research
career he has trained undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral
researchers. He has worked as a research scientist in Tanzania, a visiting researcher
at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) in Colombia, a consultant
and volunteer representing the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and
FAMU in South Africa and India, and a delegate of Institutions of Higher Learning
from United States to the Netherlands. Dr. Mbuya holds a M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the
University of Florida (USA), and a Bachelor of Science in Crop Science from Sokoine
University of Agriculture (Tanzania).

- Nutrient and Water Management
- Water Quality, Watershed Processes
- Irrigation, Phytoremediation
- Computer Simulation Modeling.

- Agricultural Engineer, Ph.D. • 1996
University of Florida
- Agronomy/M.Sc • 1990
University of Florida
- B.Sc. Agriculture - Crop Science • 1984
Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania)
- Diploma in Crop Production • 1980
Ukiriguru, Mwanza (Tanzania)
- Certificate in Basic Radiation Safety • 1992
University of Florida

- Director, Center for Water Resources, 2016 – present
Florida A&M University
- Program Leader of Agronomy, Soil and Water Sciences, 2015 – present
Florida A&M University
- Faculty Director, 2014 - 2017
FAMU-Sustainability Institute
- Director, 2014-present
Florida Climate Institute-FAMU, Florida A&M University
- Professor, 2009-present
Florida A&M University
- Courtesy Professor, 2013-present
University of Florida/IFAS
- Interim Director, 2012
Center for Water and Air Quality, Florida A&M University
- Associate Professor, July 2006 – 2009
Florida A&M University
- Chair, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Minority Committee, 2009 - 2010
- President, Southeastern Region Soil Physics Group, 2008 - 2009
- Secretary, Southeastern Region Soil Physics Group, 2006 - 2007
- Assistant Professor (tenure-track), October 2000 – June, 2006
Florida A&M University
- Assistant Professor (non-tenure), October 1998 - October, 2000
Florida A&M University
- Research Associate, October 1996 – October 1998
Florida A&M University

Dr. Odemari S. Mbuya has received funding, totaling over $5.2 million, form the following
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- US Forest Service
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- US Department of Energy

- Guest of Honor: 52th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers(ISAE)
and National Symposium on "Doubling Farmer' Income through Technological Interventions".
Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India. January 8-10, 2018.
- Guest of Honor: International Conference on Food, Water Energy Nexus in Arena of Climate
Change at Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat, India. October, 2016.
- Certificate of Appreciation: SerPIE One Health Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Personal
Care Products. Alabama A&M University, 2016.
- Distinguished Scholar Award by the European Journal of Scientific Research, 2005.
- Rising Star Award, in recognition to research, teaching and service. School of Graduate
Studies and Research, Florida A&M University, 2003.
- Teaching Excellence Award. College of Engineering Sciences, Technology andAgriculture,
Florida A&M University. 2003.
- Certificate of Appreciation as a Research Mentor. Science Exploration and Enhancement
Center, Florida A&M University, 2005.
- Certificate of Appreciation by the Center for Equity and Cultural Diversity: FAMU
CESTA – Water Matters: FAMU Reach Out Day 2004.
- Certificate of Recognition as a Faculty Senator, FAMU Faculty Senate, 2004.
- Paul Robin Harris Award, University of Florida, 1996. Recognition of outstanding quality
in agronomic research reflecting concerns for the environment.
- Mentor’s Service Award, Florida A & M University, 1999. In recognition of exemplary
guidance as a mentor to students in research in the College of Engineering Sciences,
Technology and Agriculture (CESTA).
- Certificate of Appreciation Training Undergraduate Research Scholars (honor students)
to prepare for graduate school. Florida A & M University. 2001.
- Certificate of Appreciation for an outstanding presentation in Sustainable Agriculture,
Office of International Programs, Florida A & M University. 2000.

- AGR 5445C – Advanced Plant Sciences
- AGG 5825 – Fundamentals of Research Design
- AGG 5827 – Statistical Methods in Research II
- SWS 3022 – Nature and Properties of Soils
- SWS 4131C – Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
- SWS 3211C – Soil and Water Conservation
- SWS 4732C – Soil Survey
- SWS 4437C – Soil and Plant Analysis
- AGR 4905 – Directed Individual Study