Dr. Satyanarayan Dev is an Associate Professor in the Biological Systems Engineering
Program at the College of Agriculture and Food Sciences in Florida A&M University
(FAMU)and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
at the FAMU_FSU Joint College of Engineering. He has an interdisciplinary background
in biological engineering, food science, microbiology, and food engineering. His research
interests are in the areas of Agtech, bioenergy, food safety, pathogen detection,
nutraceuticals and functional foods. His research projects have focused on bioenergy,
bioprocessing, process optimization, modeling and simulation of processing operations,
electromagnetic equipment design for food and bioprocessing focusing on food safety,
value addition, nutritional quality, sustainable cold chain, thermo as well as biochemical
conversion of biomass, among others.
He has recently been involved in research projects dealing with the equipment design
such as
- Design and development of LiDAR drones and MASER and SASER drone swarms for sustainable
environmental monitoring and control
- Design and scale up of bioprocess equipment for sustainable energy systems
- Optimization and scale up using electro-technology for sustainable refrigeration
- Pasteurization of in-shell eggs
- Electrolyzed oxidizing water for clean-in-place food safety applications
- Assessment of nutritional quality processed using conventional and non-conventional
- Design of heat treatment apparatus for enhancing the quality and extend the shelf
life of fruits and vegetables using Computational Fluid Dynamics Approaches
- Novel pretreatments for drying
- Microwave assisted thermochemical conversion of biomass
- Fuzzy Logic Indicator-based Modeling Approach for forest biomass harvesting
- Biosensors for defense and space application
- Waveguides for Food Safety as well as Extra-terrestrial and in-space thrusters

- AE50 Most Innovative Product of the Year 2019 Award American Society of Agricultural
and Biological Engineers for Microwave Raw Food Pasteurizer.
- Recognized a Prominent Biological Systems Engineer in the Marquis Who’s Who Database
- Young Engineer of the Year Award from the Canadian Society of Bioengineering (CSBE)
at the 2018 Meeting, Guelph, ON, Canada, July 22-25, 2018.
- Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the Florida Section of the American Society
of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) at the 2017 Meeting, Jupiter, FL,
USA, June 21- 24, 2017
- Superior Paper Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, ASABE
Annual International Meeting 2014, Montreal, Canada, 13-16 July, 2014