Dr. Swamy, Aavudai Anandhi is an associate professor of Biological Systems Engineering
at Florida A&M University.

Application of computational intelligence for modeling ecosystem processes and their
interactions at the food-water-energy (FEW) nexus while improving these predictions
to environmental changes (climate, water-use and land-use) using complex systems engineering.
We continue to develop novel solutions to engineering design and decision methodology
for synergizing FEW systems for efficient, productive, and sustainable ecosystem management.
For this we use a mixture of systems thinking approaches, conceptual and structural
models, artificial intelligence, spatial statistics, and machine learning for analysis
of the ecosystem services by exploiting new data streams to advance the system adaptation,
resilience and stress mitigation.

- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Ph.D. • 2008
Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore, India
- Irrigation and Water Management, Civil Engineering/M.Sc • 1995
Anna University, Chennai, India
- Agriculture/B.S. • 1992
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India

- "Teacher of the year” award from Florida section of American Society of Agricultural
and Biological Engineers (ASABE), 2018
- Florida A&M University Emerging Researcher Award 2017-2018
- Blue Ribbon Award for developing innovative educational aids from American Society
of Agricultural and Biological Engineers for “Using Leaves as a Model for Teaching
Watershed Concepts in Natural Resources Science and Engineering Programs”
- Outstanding contribution in reviewing in May 2017 from Journal of Hydrology
- Funded in 2016 to participate in "Climate Change, Global Food Security and the U.S.
Food System" workshop at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
- Sunset Zoo’s Science Communication 2015 Fellowship (need to complete a few more activities
by Oct. to become a fellow)
- ASCE’s Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) 2014 Fellow
- Nominated for ASA Early Career Professional Award, American Society of Agronomy, 2013
- Ogallala Aquifer Project has been awarded the USDA Secretary of Agriculture's Honor
Award for 2013 in the category of enhancing the economic vitality and quality of life
in rural America
- City University of New York (CUNY) Postdoctoral travel award 2011, ($1,000)
- Research Fellowship, Indian Institute of Science, 2003-2007
- First rank in Masters in Engineering (M.E) in Anna University, Chennai, India
- Ministry of Human Resources Development Fellowship for Post-Graduate Studies (Graduate
aptitude test for engineers; GATE 1993-1994)
- Junior Research Fellow, Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), 1992