FAMU Graduate Exit Survey


Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University(FAMU) graduate exit survey is designed to capture graduating students' perceptions of their collegiate experiences and future plans. The survey specifically seeks respondents' perceptions of their experiences as it relates to learning outcomes, students support services, facilities, availability of services, major field of study, among other items deemed important to the university.

This report provides a summary of date collected for academic years starting from summer 2015. The data in the report represents a comprehensive summary of all items from the exit survey. Also included in the report are responndents' responses to open-ended items from the exit survey. Please be advised that comments are authentic, meaning they reflect the voice of the participants. Furthermore, please exercide caution in sharing the contents fo this report, as some comments may contain sensitive information.

Annually, the Office of University Assessment will prepare a descriptive summary of the exit survey results assregated at the Institutional level and disaggregated by College and Schools. It's our hope that you will use this information to inform the decision-making process in you Devision and ultimately to improve the overall student experience.


Surveys administratered by Office of Assessment

850-412-5265 | assesment@famu.edu

Dashboards designed by Office of Institutional Research & Analytics

850-412-5156 | oir@famu.edu