Becoming a CeDAR Participant

At CeDAR, we strive to implement academic accommodations as needed for students determined to be eligible for services.

Registering for Services

At CeDAR, we strive to implement academic accommodations as needed for students determined to be eligible for services. In order to receive support through the CeDAR office, students must:

  • Be enrolled at FAMU during the current semester
  • Submit an application using our AIM Online Portal
  • Provide medical documentation from an appropriate medical provider and upload to AIM Online Portal. This process may take 5-7 business days to receive and review.
  • Schedule an Intake Interview with CeDAR

Documentation Guidelines

In order to be eligible for disability-related services, it is important to provide proper documentation

1. Specific Diagnosis: A current diagnosis of disability by a qualified professional is required. This diagnosis should clearly state the nature of the disability.

2. Functional Impact Explanation: An explanation of how the disability impacts academic performance is necessary. This helps in understanding the specific challenges faced by the student.

3. Compliance with AHEAD and ETS Guidelines: Documentation for learning disabilities and ADHD should adhere to the guidelines set by AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disabilities) and ETS (Educational Testing Services).

4. Online Application and Disability Verification Form: The student must complete an online application, and a qualified professional should fill out an appropriate disability verification form.


To be eligible for disability-related services, students must have a documented disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Under the ADA, a person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities.

Documentation provided to our office will be kept and remain confidential.


The Accessible Information Management (AIM) portal will be the key to request services with CeDAR. There are few things you should know when requesting academic accommodation services:


1. Requests are approved by CeDAR and then emailed automatically to the instructor

2. The emailed instructor will be the one listed on the student's schedule. If the instructor has changed, the student may make the necessary adjustments after submitting the accommodation request. 

3. Academic Accommodation requests received towards the end of the semester run the risk of not being approved in a timely manner, however efforts will be made to implement accommodations for the upcoming term. 

4. Students will be taking new classes with different instructors every semester; therefore, you must request your accommodation services every semester, typically students wait until they are sure their schedule is finalized.

Students needing to schedule exams with CeDAR may do so by utilizing our AIM online portal and navigating towards "Alternative Testing" to schedule their appointment:

To be able to test at CeDAR and schedule exams, a few things must be completed by professors on the AIM Instructor Portal


1. The Alternative Testing Agreement form must be completed by the professor through the AIM Instructor portal. After the professor completes the form, the system will allow you schedule in-person exams with CeDAR if the professor has indicated our office as your testing site.

2. Your professor has the option to offer testing accommodations themselves if they so choose, provided they can provide the additional testing time and a distraction-free testing atmosphere.

3. Professors who would like CeDAR to facilitate testing for in-person exams are only required to  submit one (1) Alternative Testing Agreement form for each class as needed.

4. All exam requests must be made at least 48 hours before the exam date. Requests not submitted on time run the risk of not being able to be accommodated in the testing center.

5. Professors needing assistance setting up the testing parameters are encouraged to access our informational PowerPoint presentation:
Navigating The AIM Instructor Portal


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