Using an intercultural leadership development approach, this program seeks to provide
a welcoming environment and supportive foundation to assist degree-seeking international
students in a successful personal and academic transition into their first year at
Florida A&M University.
About the Mentorship Program
All participants are encouraged to commit to five (5) meetings and workshops during
the academic year.
In this dynamic program, mentors and mentees spend time together in virtual or in-person
meetings, group gatherings, and social activities around the city.
Mentorship Program Details
How does the International Mentorship Program Work?
Applicants must apply and be selected yearly and are eligible to serve a maximum of
two years.
Applicants to become mentors must meet the following qualifications:
Be a current F-1 degree-seeking international student at Florida A&M University with
a minimum of one academic year experience at FAMU or at least have study abroad experience.
Have a 3.0 overall cumulative grade point average (without being rounded) at the time
of application and throughout your duration as an International Mentor.
Be positive, enthusiastic, supportive, and capable of learning about and engaging
different topics/issues on many levels.
What are the responsibilities of a mentor?
An international student mentor must commit to supporting their mentees throughout
the first year in achieving a successful personal and academic adjustment to college
life. Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Assist your incoming Mentees as they adjust to life at FAMU and in Tallahassee, FL
(e.g. offering advice on cultural adjustment, academics, campus resources, and the
wider city).
Attend and assist with Fall and Spring International Student Orientation Sessions.
Serve as student ambassadors for the School of Graduate Studies and Research during
the following events:
- Attending all five (5) meetings, and workshops during the semester. - New Graduate Student Orientation (Fall and Spring) - Graduate Student Appreciation Week - Dean’s Fireside Chat Sessions - Facilitating and coordinating meetings with your mentees at least once a month. - Keeping in touch with one’s mentees on a weekly basis either via phone, email, or
social media. - Meeting with a designated program coordinator at least once during the semester
to check-in. - Participating in the social activities organized by the International Education
Office. - Demonstrating a commitment to continue one’s own intercultural competence development
and improving mentoring skills. - Becoming more knowledgeable about Florida A&M University. - Explaining how systems, policies, and procedures work at the University. - Introducing mentees to resources on campus that will support their needs - Engaging in frequent reflection about assistance outcomes with one’s mentees. - Submitting the International Student Mentor Program Evaluation at the end of the
semester. - Attending the FAMU International Education Week in September 2021.
What will Students gain from being an International Mentor?
A letter of accommodation and certificate from the Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate
Education and the Director of the Office of International Education and Development.
The opportunity to engage with Faculty and Staff.
Satisfaction from assisting with the personal and academic adjustment of other international
Intercultural leadership development.
Enhanced networking abilities and communication skills.
As a Mentee, you are responsible for:
Committing to meeting with your mentor at least once a month.
Attending all monthly big-group meetings.
Maintaining regular contact with your mentor.
Are you interested in becoming a Mentee?
Contact us today.
Ms. Paula Sofia Gomez, M.B.A.
International Admissions Coordinator Office of International Education and Development