Information for Partners & Providers

Partners & Providers of organizations are invited to participate in our FAMU Study Abroad Fair by tabling and setting up a booth to reach out to students, faculty and staff about their programs and international opportunities.


study abroad vertical

FAMU Study Abroad Fair


Conact Us

Contact Us

Questions? Get in Touch! Reach out to our Study Abroad staff for personalized guidance! 
Reach Out Now!
Lunch Preferences

Lunch Preferences Form

If you have already registered as a Partner or Provider representative attending our Fair, please fill out this Form to indicate your Lunch Preferences and receive a Calendar Invite to Save the Date. 
Lunch Preferences Form
Application Process Steps

Partner & Provider Registration 

Please register for a spot at the fair in advance by filling out our Partner & Provider Registration Form for organizations wanting to set up a booth or table. 
Register Here!

Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2025


Location: Al Lawson Gym Top Concourse


Past Fall '23 Partners / Representatives in Attendance:



Please click on the "+" to learn more about our Study Abroad Fair

The fee will be $149.00 for an organization to participate in the FAMU Study Abroad Fair.  An Invoice will be generated for your organization and emailed for your records.  You may pay by credit card, check, money order or wire transfer. Please make a check or money order payable to "Florida A&M University". 









parking spaces

We will send parking instructions and a special parking decal that you will need to use to park on campus in further emails as the event draws nearer.

The Al Lawson Gym is located at 1800 Wahnish Way, Tallahassee, FL 32307. 

While the Study Abroad Fair is FREE for Students, Faculty and Staff to Attend, there is a registration fee for Program Providers, Vendors, and Partners to table at this Fair.  
Yes, lunch will be provided.  

Please contact:  

Emily Maurer, M.Ed, MPA
Office of International Education and Development
Florida A&M University
1740 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Suite. 302, Perry-Paige North
Ph: 850-599-3295 (office), 850-412-7077 (direct)
Book an Appointment on my Calendar