Florida A&M University - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges


Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, professional, and doctorate degrees. FAMU also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of FAMU may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org). 




What is Accreditation?

  • Accreditation is intended to assure constituents and the public of the quality and integrity of higher education institutions and programs, and to help those institutions and programs improve. These outcomes are achieved through rigorous internal and external review processes during which the institution is evaluated against a common set of standards. 

    When accreditation is awarded to an institution of higher education by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), a regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education, it means that the institution has

    (1) a mission appropriate to higher education,
    (2) resources, programs, and services sufficient to accomplish and sustain its mission,
    (3) clearly specified educational objectives that are consistent with its mission and appropriate to the degrees it offers, and that it is
    (4) successful in assessing its achievement of these objectives and demonstrating improvements.

  • Accreditation by SACSCOC is a statement of the institution’s continuing commitment to integrity and its capacity to provide effective programs and services based on agreed-upon accreditation standards.

    This site provides access to various processes and documentation necessary for the University’s reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

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About the Accreditation Process

Reaffirmation efforts at Florida A&M are a community effort that includes broad-based participation from all University constituents. The President along with the Provost/Vice President of Academic provide general oversight; however, the operational responsibilities are coordinated by a SACSCOC Leadership Team appointed by the President or Provost.

Presidential Leadership Team

Dr. James Ammons President
Dr. Cynthia Hughes Harris Provost, Academic Affairs
Mrs. Rosalind Fuse-Hall Chief of Staff
Mr. Roland Gaines Student Affairs
Ms. Teresa Hardee CFO, Fiscal Affairs
Dr. Maurice Holder Faculty Senate
Dr. Keith Jackson Sponsored Research
Ms.  Carla Wills Development
Mr. Avery McKnight General Counsel
Mr. Charles O’duor Audit and Compliance
Mr. Robert Seniors CIO, Enterprise Info. Tech. 
Mrs. Sharon Saunders CCO, Public Relations

SACSCOC Leadership Team

Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud Chair, Leadership Team, Liaison
Dr. Gita Pitter Leadership Team
Dr. Walter A. Mercer Leadership Team
Dr. Vera Harper Leadership Team

Compliance Certification Committee

Dr. Vera Harper Co-Chair, Business
Dr. Gita Pitter Co-Chair, Academic Affairs
Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud  Chair, SACS Leadership, Business, Liaison
Dr. Walter Mercer SACS Leadership, Education
Mrs. Rosalind Fuse-Hall Mission & Governance Chair
Dr. Lauren Sapp Library Co-Chair
Dr. Uche Ohia Institutional Effectiveness Co-Chair
Mr. Roland Gaines Student Affairs Chair
Mrs. Carrie Gavin Federal Requirements Chair
Dr. Verian Thomas All Educational Programs Chair
Dr. Valencia Matthews Undergraduate Programs Chair
Mr. Joseph Bakker Physical Resources Chair
Mrs. Teresa Hardee Fiscal Resources Chair
Dr. Chanta Haywood Graduate Programs Chair
Dr. Marian Smith Faculty Chair
Dr. Dreamal Worthen* QEP Co-Chair, CESTA
Dr. Joe Ann Houston* QEP Co-Chair, Arts & Sciences

Committee on Institutional Mission, Governance and Administration 

Mrs. Rosalind Fuse-Hall Chair, Chief of Staff
Mr. Avery McKnight General Counsel
Dr. Cynthia Hughes Harris Academic Affairs
Dr. Maurice Holder Faculty Senate
Mr. Tola Thompson Governmental Relations
Dr. Verian Thomas   CESTA
Dr. Keith Simmonds Arts & Sciences
Dr. Ruena Norman Nursing
Ms. Nellie Woodruff Human Resources 

Committee on Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Uche Ohia Co-Chair, Assessment
Dr. Gita Pitter Co-Chair, Academic Affairs
Dr. Kirk Gavin Academic Affairs
Mr. Charles O’Duor Chair, Ex-Officio, Audit & Comp.
Mrs. Phyllis Watson Fiscal Affairs
Dr. Bobby Davis Business
Dr. James Hawkins Journalism
Dr. Walter Mercer Education
Mr. Joseph Bakker Fiscal Affairs
Dr. Kwadwo Owusu-Aduemiri Institutional Research

Committee on Educational Programs: All Educational Programs

Dr. Verian Thomas Chair, CESTA
Dr. Alice Rozier Continuing Education & Graduate Studies
Ms. Vernese Wade Registrar’s Office
Dr. Donald Palm Academic Affairs
Dr. Deanna Burney Arts & Sciences
Dr. Dorothy Henderson General Studies
Dr. Cynthia M. Harris Public Health (Pharmacy)
Mr. Michael James Enterprise Information Tech.
Dr. Bernadette Kelley Education
Mr. Joseph Roache Instructional Media Center
Dr. Richard Rome Architecture
Dr. Dhyana Ziegler Journalism
Dr. Henry Williams Arts & Sciences
Dr. Maria Hinds Allied Health 

Committee on Educational Programs: Undergraduate Programs 

Dr. Valencia Matthews Chair, Arts & Sciences
Dr. Yves Anglade CESTA
Dr. Genyne Boston Arts & Sciences
Dr. Reginald Perry Engineering
Dr. Kyle Eidahl Arts & Sciences

Committee on Educational Programs: Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Programs

Dr. Chanta Haywood Chair, Graduate Studies
Dr. Elizabeth Davenport Education
Dr. Maurice Edington Arts & Sciences
Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud Business
Dr. David Jackson Arts & Sciences
Dr. Mitwe Musingo Land Grant Matching
Dr. Arleen Pabon Architecture
Dr. Barbara Moseley Allied Health 
Dr. Karam Soliman Pharmacy
Dr. Eric Toran Allied Health
Dr. Roscoe Hightower Business

Committee on Faculty

Dr. Marian Smith Chair, Education
Mrs. Nellie Woodruff Human Resources
Dr. Marie Snow Human Resources 
Dr. Roselyn Williams Arts & Sciences
Dr. Vivian Hobbs SACS
Dr. Nancy Fontaine Education
Dr. Patrick Johnson Allied Health
Dr. Vera Harper Business
Ms. Cornelia Taylor Library
Dr. Angela Thornton Pharmacy
Dr. Roselyn Williams Arts & Sciences
Dr. H. Dreamal Worthen CESTA
Dr. Willie Cook General Studies
Dr. Tony Manson Education

Committee on Library and Other Learning Resources

Dr. Lauren Sapp Chair, Library
Dr. Ruth Swan Library
Mrs. M. Jean Williams Adams Library
Mr. Emmett Denny Library
Mrs. Joyce Johnson Library
Mrs. Brenda Wright Library
Mr. Joseph Roache Instructional Media CenterStudent Affairs and Services

Committee on Student Affairs and Services 

Mr. Roland Gaines Chair, Student Affairs
Ms. Danielle Kennedy-Lamar Co-Chair, Student Affairs
Mr. Henry Kirby Student Affairs
Dr. Yolanda Bogan Education
Mr. Michael James Enterprise Information Tech.
Dr. Delores Dean University Career Center

Responsibilities of Committee on Financial Resources

Ms. Teresa Hardee Chair, Fiscal Affairs
Mrs. Phyllis Watson Co-Chair, Fiscal Affairs
Mr. Joseph Bakker Fiscal Affairs
Mr. Robert Seniors CIO, Enterprise Info. Tech. 
Mr. Buddy Barker Fiscal Affairs
Col. (Ret.) Ronald Joe Development
Mr. John Kirby Student Affairs
Ms. Joyce Mann Fiscal Affairs
Mr. Michael Smith Fiscal Affairs
Mrs. Mary Rodgers Brooks Development
Mrs. Nellie Woodruff Human Resources

Committee on Physical Resources

Mr. Joseph Bakker Chair, Facilities & Construction
Mrs. Patricia Manning Co-Chair, Facilities & Construction
Mr. Kendall Jones Physical Plant
Mr. Sam Houston Facilities Planning
Dr. Andy Balogh Environmental Health & Safety
Mr. Robert Seniors Enterprise Information Tech.
Dr. Aretha Hill SBI Federal Requirements

Committee on Federal Requirements

Mrs. Carrie Gavin Chair, Equal Opp. Prgms
Dr. Makola Abdullah CESTA
Ms. Tanise Jackson Research
Dr. Rufus Ellis Education
Dr. Kirk Gavin Academic Affairs
Dr. Uche Ohia Assessment
Ms. Michelle Lassiter Student Financial Aid
Dr. Keith Jackson Research
Mr. Roland Gaines Student Affairs
Mrs. Jackye Maxey Fiscal Affairs

Committee on QEP

Dr. Cynthia Hughes Harris Chair, Academic Affairs
Dr. H. Dreamal Worthen Chair, CESTA


Presidential Leadership Team

Dr. Elmira Mangum               President
Rodner Wright                      Interim Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Dale Cassidy                       CFO and VP, Administrative & Financial Affairs
Dr. William Hudson              VP, Student Affairs
Dr. Ken Redda                       VP, Research
Dr. Thomas Haynes              VP, University Advancement
Rick Givens                            VP, Audit and Compliance
Michael James                        Interim VP and CIO, EIT
Atty. Avery McKnight            VP for Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Jimmy Miller                            VP, Communications and External Relations
Funmi Ojetayo                       Special Assistant to the President
Atty. Linda Barge-Miles        Assistant Vice President, Academic Affairs
Tola Thompson                     Director, Governmental Relations
Bryan Smith                                           Special Assistant to the President (Anti-Hazing)
Kellen Winslow                     Athletic Director
Dr. Wanda Ford                    Director, Title III Programs
Terence Calloway                 Chief of Police
Jacqueline Hightower                              Assistant to the President

SACSCOC Leadership Team

Dr. Maurice Edington           Chair, Leadership Team, Liaison
Dr. Gita Pitter                         Leadership Team
Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud Leadership Team
Beverly Barrington     Leadership Team
Dr. Genyne Boston             Leadership Team


FAMU Compliance Certification Document - 2017- (Please contact our office for details) | Institutional Documents




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Faculty Credentialing Policy

The FAMU Faculty Credentials System (FCS) is a centralized system that maintains faculty credentials and documentation. The FCS is designed to aid the University in electronically documenting faculty credentials throughout their experience at FAMU. 
View Full Policy


Quality Enhancement Plan

The Goal of FAMU's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is to use enhanced classroom activities, technology, and campus resources to help students become better writers. 
Learn More
Laptop with password protected login screen

SACSCOC Intranet 


SharePoint User Guide


Student Achievement

The University uses its position in national rankings of degrees awarded to African-Americans to evaluate student success. FAMU remains as one of the top producers of African American students earning baccalaureate degrees. 
Learn More
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Substantive Change Policy

In accordance with the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy Statement, FAMU is required to have policies/procedures to ensure that all substantive changes are reported to the Commission in a timely fashion. The purpose of this policy is to describe FAMU's policy, process and procedures for any substantive changes. 
View Full Policy

Contact Us

Kincey, Sundra, Ph.D. | SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison | Director of Program Quality
1700 Lee Hall Drive 301
Foote-Hilyer Administration Center
(850) 599-8316
(850) 599-8321