Welcome to our digital archive! Here, you have the unique opportunity to explore a diverse array of artifacts and utilize our comprehensive finding aids to delve into the rich tapestry of our collection. Whether you are a researcher, student, or history enthusiast, our platform is designed to facilitate your discovery and enhance your understanding of cultural heritage. Navigate through our meticulously curated catalogs, uncover the stories behind each artifact, and connect with history in a profound and meaningful way. Enjoy your journey into the past as you view artifacts and search finding aids with ease and efficiency.


View Artifacts or Finding Aids

Our digital archives consist of two portals.  To view our museum artifacts, click the EXPLORE portal below.  To view our archival holdings, click the LEARN portal below.  Enjoy! 

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Viewing artifacts provides a direct connection to the past, offering tangible evidence of historical events, cultures, and practices. It allows researchers, educators, and the public to engage with history in a personal and meaningful way. The process of viewing can reveal new insights, foster a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage, and inspire further inquiry.

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Searching our archival holdings finding aids is a systematic approach to learning about our vast collections. These aids are meticulously curated to provide detailed descriptions, provenance, and contextual information about the collections and the people who donated them.  Effective finding aids enhance the efficiency of research by reducing the time and effort required to locate relevant materials.