There’s a world of opportunity out there, and we want you to take advantage of everything it has to offer. Take classes in a foreign country for a semester or even just a summer and expand your horizons personally, academically and professionally.
We serve students, faculty, staff, and the community with the goal of creating leaders who possess the skills necessary to function in a globally interconnected world!
Application Process
Step-By-Step!The study abroad application process can be overwhelming, but please don't be discouraged. Our office is here to assist you every step of the way! #FAMUAbroad
Benefits & Testimonials
Learn More!Study Abroad fosters your critical-thinking ability. You acquire knowledge and skills that develop your ability to think systematically and critically.
Contact Us
Reach Out Now!Questions? Get in Touch! Reach out to our Study Abroad staff for personalized guidance!
Information Sessions
Attend Info SessionYou are invited to attend any of our Study Abroad Informational Sessions to get started on your journey today!
Scholarship & Financial Aid
Funds For You!Did you know that you can use your Federal Financial Aid (Pell Grants & Federal Loans) to pay for your expenses while studying abroad? Learn how!
Study Abroad Fair
Attend Study Abroad FairCome & Join our Study Abroad Fair which will host a variety of partners and highlight several international opportunities. Registration is required. Passport is optional!
Travel Insurance
Safe Travels!The university requires that all students and faculty traveling abroad on university sponsored business have and show documentation of international medical and travel coverage.
Studying abroad can be one of the greatest opportunities a student ever experiences. Studying internationally gives students insight into different cultures and also allows for unique networking opportunities. By entering into a completely new environment, you get the chance to develop integral life skills in a beautiful new place with a culture just begging you to experience it.