Jeffrey S. Wilkinson, Ph.D.

Jeffrey S Wilkinson

Division Of Journalism


Office Hours

SJGC Bldg., Room #3024

Monday & Wednesday: 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Current Semester Schedule

JOU 2100C, Reporting & Writing I • Tue. & Thur. — 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 p.m.
MMC 2130, International Issues & the Media • Mon. & Wed. — 12:20 p.m. - 1:35 p.m.
MMC 2130, International Issues & the Media • Tue. & Thur. — 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

About Me

Jeffrey S. Wilkinson is a professor of journalism at Florida A&M University. He completed a B.S. in Broadcasting from the University of Florida and worked as an award-winning broadcast news reporter before earning both a master's and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. He taught at the University of Tennessee, earning tenure and then moving to Hong Kong in 1998. He spent 10 of the next 12 years teaching communication courses and researching mass media in China and Hong Kong.

At United International College (UIC) in Zhuhai, he was the founding program head for international journalism and launched the degree program in public relations and advertising. After that, he served two years as acting dean for the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at UIC. He returned to the U.S. and served terms as program chair and department chair, respectively, at Houston Baptist University and the University of Toledo.

Wilkinson returned to China in 2017 to serve a two-year term as associate dean of academics at the Sino-U.S. College, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai. He was the lead author of Principles of Convergent Journalism and co-editor of Understanding Media Convergence, both published by Oxford University Press. He regularly reviews for journals and is active in the Broadcast Education Association in a variety of roles.

Areas of Interest

  • Communication technology and new media
  • International media systems
  • Journalism practices
  • Visual communication
  • Media effects


University of Georgia • 1992
Ph.D. in Mass Communication

University of Georgia • 1987
M.A. in Journalism

University of Florida • 1979
B.S. in Broadcasting

Work History

  • Professor • 2023 - Present
    Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
  • Associate Professor (with tenure) • 2019-2023
    Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
  • Professor and Dean • 2017-2019
    Sino-U.S. College,
    Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, China
  • Professor and Chair (with tenure) 2014-2017
    University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
  • Professor 2012-2014
    Houston Baptist University, Houston TX
  • Professor and Dean • 2007-2012
    United International College, Zhuhai, China
  • Associate Professor 2004-2007
    Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
  • Senior Assistant Professor 1998-2004
    Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
  • Associate Professor, (with tenure) • 1998-2000
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
  • Assistant Professor 1992-1998
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Academic Accomplishments

  • Tsang, Y.H., & Wilkinson, J.S. (2024). Overcoming insult and injury: China transgender sex workers and intimate partner violence. In Malsch, M., & Janssen, J. (Eds.), Human trafficking and sexual exploitation around the world: Law, ideology, and experiences of sex workers and clients (pp. 221-235). Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press.
  • Wilkinson, J.S. (2024). Opting into ‘now’ media. In Medoff, N., & Kaye, B. (Eds.), Now media: The evolution of electronic communication (5th edition). New York: Routledge.
  • Wilkinson, J.S. (2024). The business of entertainment and media ownership. In Medoff, N., & Kaye, B. (Eds.) Now media: The evolution of electronic communication (5th edition). New York: Routledge.
  • Gill, A., Zaidi, S.M.Z., Wilkinson, J.S. (2023). Melding Urdu and English in motion design to communicate across cultures: Deconstructing form to open new frames for messaging. Published proceedings of the 2023 Motion Design Education Conference, June 8-10, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Grant, A.E., and Wilkinson, J.S. (2023). Sampling. In S. Zhou and B. Beasley (Eds), Research Methods in Communication, 4th edition. Northport AL: Vision Press.
  • Wilkinson, J.S., and Gill, A. (2022). Digital surveillance. In A. Grant and J. Meadows (Eds), Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals, 18th edition, 297-305. Austin TX: Technology Futures, Inc.
  • Tsang, E.Y.H., Wilkinson, J.S. (2022). The home as a barometer of society: “Practices of intimacy” to moderate family intergenerational conflict in the 2019 summer of dissent. The China Review, 22(1), 307-334. (Q1)
  • Wilkinson, J.S., Davie, W.R., and Taylor, A.J. (2020). Journalism education in black and white: A 50-year journey toward diversity. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, special 75th anniversary issue, 75(4), pp 362-374. (Q1)
  • Sun, Y.M., and Wilkinson, J.S. (2020). Parenting style, personality trait and interpersonal relationship: A model of prediction of internet addiction. International Journal of Communication, 14, 1-24. [SSCI Listed Communication, Impact Factor 1.069, (Q3)
  • Tsang, E.Y.H.; Wilkinson, J.S.; Cheung, C.K. (2020). Cosmopolitan cultural capital as a key to employment in overseas Chinese graduates. China: An International Journal. [SSCI-listed – Area Studies – Impact factor 2018: 0.69 (Q3) (41/68)].
  • Tsang, E.Y.H., Wilkinson, J.S., Yeung, J.W., Cheung, C.K., Chan, R.K.H., and Norton, D. (2020). Dead end of the rainbow: How environmental and spatial factors create a necropolis for gay sex workers in China. Deviant Behavior. [SSCI-listed –Sociology – Impact factor 2018: 1.79 (Q2) (61/128)].
  • Qiao, S., Tsang, E.Y.H., Wilkinson, J.S., Lipeleke, F., & Li, X. (2019): In Zimbabwe there is nothing for us: Sex work and vulnerability of HIV infection among male sex workers in Zimbabwe, AIDS Care, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2019.1574334.
  • Tsang, E.Y.H.; Qiao S., Wilkinson, J.S, & Lipeleke, F. (2018). Multilayered stigma and vulnerabilities for HIV infection and transmission: A qualitative study on male sex workers in Zimbabwe. American Journal of Men's Health. [SSCI-listed–Public, Environmental & Occupational Health–Impact factor 2017: 2.3, Q1 (39/157)].
  • Tsang, E.Y.H., Lowe, J., Wilkinson, J.S., and Scambler, G. (2018). Peasant sex workers in metropolitan China and the pivotal concept of money. Asian Journal of Social Science, 46, 359-380.
  • Guerrazzi, D., Grant, A.E., and Wilkinson, J.S. (2016). Format appears to matter less than story salience. Newspaper Research Journal, 37(2), pp. 167-179.
  • Milbourne, C.C. and Wilkinson, J.S. (2015). Chasing infinity: The fear of disconnecting. American Communication Journal, (17)2, 1-14.
  • Milbourne, C. C. and Wilkinson, J. S. (2014). Internet addiction among Chinese undergraduates: Awareness and attitude toward treatment. Review of Social Studies, Law and Psychology, 8(4), 132-141.
  • Kolodzy, J., Grant, A.E., DeMars, T., and Wilkinson, J.S. (2014). The convergence years. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 1077695814531718.
  • Wilkinson, J.S., and Grant, A.E. (2009). Comparing Chinese and American media systems: Journalism, technology, and change. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Wilkinson, J.S. (2002). Review of the book Global News: Perspectives on the Information Age. Journal of Media Economics, 15(1), 57-58.
  • Wilkinson, J.S. (2001). Teaching with technology: Using internet video to teach students in a second language environment. Polyglossia, 4, 49-55.
  • Wilkinson, J.S., and Chen Lu (2001). Putonghua-language radio programming in Hong Kong: RTHK and the Putonghua audience. Canadian Journal of Communication, 26, 143-154.
  • Wilkinson, J.S., Bates, B.J., Chambers, T.L., and McClung, S.R. (2000). What makes a good radio remote: Factors leading to perceived cost-effective and well received on-site radio promotional sales events. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 44(4), 716-730.
  • Wilkinson, J.S. (1997). Review of the book The New Television in Europe.” Journal of Media Economics, 10(1), 57-58.
  • Wilkinson, J.S., and Fletcher, J.E. (1995). Bloody news and vulnerable populations: An ethical question. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 10(3), 167-177.
  • Bennett, E., Swenson, J., and Wilkinson, J.S. (1992). Is the medium the message? An experimental test with morbid news. Journalism Quarterly, 69(4), 921-928.


Prominent Teacher of Zhuhai | 2010
Zhuhai City Government, Guangdong Province, China

Courses Taught At FAMU

  • MMC 4203, Media Ethics
  • JOU 2100C, Writing and Reporting I
  • MMC 2310, International Issues and the Media