SJGC Bldg. Room #3033
Tuesday/Thursday • 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m

PUR 3622 Social Media Analytics • Tue. Thu. — 9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
PUR 3622 Social Media Analytics • Tue. Thu. — 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Dr. Hsuan Huang is an Associate Professor in Public Relations in the School of Journalism.
She received her doctoral degree from the University of North Carolina’s Hussman School
of Journalism and Media.
Her primary research interest focuses on health communication and health behavior
campaigns, particularly in examining and addressing health disparity among disadvantaged
minority groups. She frequently serves as a peer reviewer for health communication
and health psychology journals such as Health Communication and conferences. Dr. Huang
is active in professional organizations, including the International Communication
Association (ICA), and serves on the Editorial Board for Lifestyle and Behavior (a
special section of Frontiers in Digital Health) as a Review Editor.
She teaches public relations courses, including Public Relations Campaigns, Social
Media Analytics, and Integrated Marketing Communication. She has been the faculty
advisor to the FAMU chapter of the National Public Relations Student Society of America
(PRSSA) student organization.

- Health disparity in African American communities
- Health communication and health behavior campaigns
- Public relations and social marketing campaigns

- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill • 2003
Ph.D. in Communication, specialized in Public Relations
- Ohio State University • 1992
M.A. in Journalism
- Tamkang University • 1989
B.S. in Mass Communication

- Associate Professor • 2024 - Present
Florida A&M University (FAMU), Tallahassee, FL
- Assistant Professor • 2018 - 2024
Florida A&M University (FAMU), Tallahassee, FL

Recent peer-reviewed journal publications:
- Huang, H. Y. & Gerend, M. (2024). The Role of Trust and Health Belief Model Variables
in COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions: Evidence from an HBCU Sample. Journal of Health
Psychology. Journal impact factor (2023): 3.79.
- Huang, H. Y. (2022). Third-and First-Person Effects of COVID News in HBCU Students’
Risk Perception and Behavioral Intention: Social Desirability, Social Distance, and
Social Identity. Health communication, 1-15.
- Huang, H. Y., Li, H., & Hsu, Y. C. (2022). Coping, COVID knowledge, communication,
and HBCU student's emotional well‐being: Mediating role of perceived control and social
connectedness. Journal of Community Psychology.
Recent Encyclopedia Publications:
- Huang, H. Y. (2022). Message Tailoring. International Encyclopedia of Health Communication.
- Huang, H. Y. (2022). Campaign Efficacy vs effectiveness. International Encyclopedia
of Health Communication. 2-7
Recent book chapters:
- Huang, H. Y. (2022). The Internet. In Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals
(pp. 231-246). Routledge.
- Huang, H. Y. (2020). The Internet. In Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals
(pp. 263-276). Routledge.

- SoTL Academy Fellowship, Funded by HBCU-UP, 2024.
- FAMU Faculty Research Award Program (FRAP), 2021-2022.

- PUR 3000 Introduction to Public Relations
- PUR 3105 Public Relations Communication
- PUR 4800 Public Relations Campaign
- PUR 3401 Critical Issues in Public Relations
- PUR 3622 Social Media Analytics
- PUR 3490 Integrated Marketing Communication