Monday/Tuesday 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Wednesday/Thursday 1:00- 2:00 p.m.
Online by appointment

PHC 7715 Planning Administration Health Education-Promotion (Spring) Wed 3-5:30 pm
PHC 7981 Advanced Research in Public Health Practice (all semesters) (independent
PHC 6704 Applied Community-Based Research Methods (Summer) Wed 3-5:30 pm
PHC 5608 Public Health & Aging (Summer) Thu 3-5:30 pm
PHC 6441 Health Inequities in American Populations (Fall) Tu 3-5:30 p.m.
PHC 7504 Advanced Theory Health Education (Fall) Wed 3-5:30 p.m.

Carlos A. Reyes-Ortiz is an Associate Professor of Behavioral Science and Health Education
at the Institute of Public Health, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
He teaches several courses, advise, and mentor research for MPH and DrPH students.
He obtained his medical degree (6-year program) and residency training in Family Medicine
(3 years) at the University of Valle in Cali, Colombia. He completed four years in
Geriatric Medicine fellowships (Madrid, Spain; Richmond, Virginia; Dearborn, Michigan).
He earned his PhD in Preventive Medicine & Community Health/ Health Services Research
Track at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. He has taught
at undergraduate and graduate levels at medical schools, gerontology programs, and
public health schools. He has conducted research on health disparities, aging, and
geriatric syndromes among the Hispanic populations in the United States and other
Latin American & Caribbean countries and cancer health disparities. He has experience
analyzing large population-based studies or surveys and clinical databases. His research
support includes AHRQ, DOD, NIH (Fogarty), NCCAM, NCI (Fellow), ASCO Foundation, UCLA/
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Scholar), Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, United Way
of Tarrant County, COLCIENCIAS (Colombia), and US Fulbright Scholarship (twice; host

- Public health and aging
- Community Health
- Minority health
- Falls/ fear of falling/ frailty, abuse/ neglect/self-neglect or mistreatment,
- Adverse childhood experiences/ stressful events
- Latino aging
- Dementia- Alzheimer’s disease
- Nutrition and cancer prevention
- Cancer disparities (melanoma; prostate, breast, cervical & colon cancer)
- International/global health
- Depression
- Religiosity and mental health

- Fellow Geriatric Medicine
Oakwood Hospital Medical Center 2013
- Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine Community Health
University of Texas Medical Branch 2005
- Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
Medical College of Virginia 1996
- Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
Hospital Central Cruz Roja, Madrid 1988
- Specialist in Family Medicine
Universidad del Valle 1987
- M.D.
Universidad del Valle 1982

- Associate Professor 2019-present
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Associate Professor & Geriatrician 2014-19
UTHSC & McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX
- Visiting Lecturer 2013-14
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
- Associate Professor 2011-12
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
- Associate Professor 2008-11
UNTHSC, Fort Worth, TX
- Assistant Professor & Research Scientist, 2006-08
UTMB, Galveston, TX
- Associate Professor & Geriatrician 2000-02
Valle University, Cali, Colombia
- Assistant Professor & Geriatrician 1996-99
Valle University, Cali, Colombia
- Rural Physician 1982-83
Hospital Piloto, Jamundi, Valle, Colombia

- Reyes-Ortiz CA, et al. Racial Discrimination and Multimorbidity Among Older Adults
in Colombia: A National Data Analysis. Prev Chronic Dis. 2023;20:E34. See other articles
at Pubmed (search as reyes-ortiz c)
- News: Interview by Concha Leon Portilla in a YouTube program for older adults in Mexico:
“Sanar nuestra infancia en la Tercera Edad”, May 2023 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX7N5joP1Vw
- News: Interview from a Newspaper ‘Hoy’ from Cordoba, Argentina “Infancia, traumas
y vejeces’ report published, May 2023. At https://hoydia.com.ar/columnistas/club-de-la-porota/infancia-traumas-y-vejeces/
- Abstracts presenter at the Gerontological Society of America, Tampa, Florida, November
- Abstract at International Cancer Education Conference (ICEC), Toronto, Canada, October
- Guest Lecturer and Researcher: IX Latin American and Caribbean Congress – COMLAT,
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – IAGG. Medellín, Colombia.
May 17-20, 2023.
- Abstract at International Cancer Education Conference (ICEC), College Park, October,
- Abstracts presenter at the American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, Florida, May 2022
- Guest Lecturer at the "XXI Symposium on Health Research: scientific production facing
the challenges of global health", University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, October 20,
- Guest Lecturer at the XXV National Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology 2021 of
Chile, Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology of Chile, October 7, 2021.
- Abstract at the International Cancer Education Conference (ICEC), Virtual, October
12-16, 2021.
- Abstracts presenter at the APHA Annual meeting, Virtual, October 2021
- Guest Lecturer at XIX Simposio de Investigaciones en Salud “Educación Superior en
Salud: Autonomía, Calidad y Financiación, October 24, 2017, Cali, Colombia.
- Guest Lecturer at XI Congreso Peruano y VII Congreso Internacional de Gerontologia
y Geriatria in Lima – Peru, October 7, 2017
- Guest Lecturer at Miami Geriatric & Palliative Medicine Grand Rounds, Bruce W. Carter
Veteran Affairs Medical Center, on September 28, 2017
- Physician Licenses in States of Georgia and Texas 2014-25
- Honorary Visiting Professor, Valle University School of Medicine, Cali, Colombia 2009-
- Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Certification (passing
USMLE steps1-3) 2001-present
- Received funding from Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, Department of Defense
Prostate Cancer Research Program, NIH (Fogarty), NCCAM/NIH, NCI, ASCO Foundation,
Donald W. Reynolds
- Foundation, United Way of Tarrant County, COLCIENCIAS (Colombia).

- Fulbright U.S. Scholar (host Colombia) 2022-23
- Award for commitment to teaching and research, Program in Geriatrics, Valle University,
Cali, Colombia, 2022
- First place oral presentation, Colombian Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
in Bogota Colombia, Sept 29-30, 2022
- Fulbright U.S. Scholar (host Colombia) 2017-18
- First Place Oakwood 10th Annual Evidence Based Practice Conference, Southgate, MI,
- Health Quality Scholar, Multicultural Health and Healthcare Research Network, UCLA
& Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 15 to Nov 14, 2008
- Fellow for the 2008 Workshop on Behavioral Methodologies in Cancer Research for Under-Represented
Investigators, NCI-NIH & Kellogg Health Scholar Program, San Diego, CA
- Fellow of the Sealy Center on Aging, UTMB, Galveston, 2007-
- First Place Research Award oral presentation, Colombian Association of Gerontology
& Geriatrics, 7th Biannual Meeting, Cartagena, Colombia June 23-26, 2006.
- American Society of Clinical Oncology Foundation Merit Award, 2006 Prostate Cancer
Symposium, San Francisco, CA
- American Society of Clinical Oncology Foundation Merit Award, 2005 Prostate Cancer
Symposium, Orlando, FL
- American Geriatrics Society: Geriatrics Recognition Award, 1997-2001
- Valle University Medical School: “Javier Gutiérrez Jaramillo” Award for the Teaching
Spirit, 1998

- PHC 7715 Planning Administration Health Education-Promotion
- PHC 6704 Applied Community-Based Research Methods
- PHC 5608 Public Health & Aging
- PHC 6441 Health Inequities in American Populations
- PHC 7504 Advanced Theory Health Education
- PHC 7981 Advanced Research in Public Health Practice