By appointment only
Program Assistant is Puja Bhatavdekar, Phone: (407) 254-3270, puja.bhatavdekar@famu.edu

LAW 6575 Entertainment Law • Mo. We. — 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
LAW 6842 Law And Film Seminar • Tu. — 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Professor Henslee is founding faculty member. He came to the College of Law from Pepperdine
University, where he taught for 12 years. Winner of the Clark Award for Creative Writing,
Professor Henslee is the author or editor of seven books. He teaches a range of courses,
including copyright, trademarks and unfair competition, sports and entertainment law.
Professor Henslee holds a M.F.A. in film from U.C.L.A., a J.D. from Pepperdine University
School of Law, and a B.A. in English from the University of Hawaii.

- Graduate School of Film and Television, M.F.A.
University of California, Los Angeles • June, 1996
- J.D.
Pepperdine University School of Law • 1984
- Graduate studies in business
Chaminade University • June, 1980 to July, 1981
- B.A. in English
University of Hawaii, Manoa • December, 1977

- Professor of Law • August, 2002 to present
Florida A&M University College of Law
- Interim Director of Legal Methods • July, 2011 to July, 2016; August 6, 2018 to May,
Florida A&M University College of Law
- Associate Professor of Law • May, 2002 to August, 2012
Founding faculty member. Courses Taught: Copyright, Entertainment Law, Florida Practice
Intellectual Property, Labor Law, Land Use Planning, Legal Research and Writing, Moot
Court, Music
Law Seminar, Property, Remedies, Sports Law, Theater Law, Torts, Trademark and Unfair
Travel Law, and Trial Team.
Served on: Academic Standards Committee (former chair), Ad Hoc Committee on Bar Preparation,
Hoc Committee on Assessment, Legal Writing and Academic Achievement, Ad Hoc Committee
Practical Skills Training, Admissions Committee, Budget Committee, Curriculum Committee
chair), Library Committee (former chair), Long Range Planning Committee (former chair),
Promotion, & Tenure (former chair), Strategic Planning Committee, and Student Activities
(former chair). Faculty advisor for the Advocacy Board and all FAMU interschool competition
the Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Society, and the Intellectual Property Law Society.
Florida A&M University College of Law
- Associate Professor of Law • August, 2001 to August, 2002
Pepperdine University School of Law
- Assistant Professor • August, 1990 to August, 2001
Pepperdine University School of Law
Taught Copyright, Entertainment Law, Music Law Seminar, Law and the Media Seminar,
Research and Writing, Sports Law, and Travel Law.
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Law • January, 2001 to May, 2002
Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, California
Taught Entertainment Law and Sports Law.
- Lecturer • Summer, 1999
University of California, Los Angeles Extension program
Taught “Careers in Entertainment Law.”
- Adjunct Professor of Law • Summer, 1998
Chapman College of Law
Taught Entertainment Law.
- Lecturer • August, 1995 to July, 1997
West Bar Review
Lectured on “How to Survive the First Year of Law School” and Multistate Bar Preparation
- Adjunct Professor of Law • August, 1990 to December, 1992
Whittier College of Law
Taught Advanced Legal Skills - a required, upper division writing course.
- Lecturer • May, 1990 to August, 1995
Bar/BRI California Bar Review
Lectured on the Multistate Bar Examination and multiple choice test-taking skills.
- National Director • May, 1989 to May, 1990
HBJ Multistate Advantage
Lecturer, coordinated national course materials, marketing, promotions, and hired
- Director of Planned Giving • April, 1988 to May, 1989
Pepperdine University
Responsible for the development and marketing of the University’s deferred gift and
programs. Major gift fundraiser for the Wave of Excellence Campaign.
- Owner • January, 1986 to present
American Pride Publishing.
Operate a music publishing company controlling over 100 copyrighted songs.
- Administrative Director • March, 1985 to April, 1988
Multistate Legal Studies, Inc. (PMBR)
Responsible for establishing, organizing, and coordinating national student sales
network. Lectured
in the national bar review program.
- Attorney at Law and Consultant • December, 1984 to present
private practice
Practiced with Glenn Weisberger as “Henslee & Weisberger” until December, 1987. Solo
since 1987 specializing in the representation of individuals in sports and entertainment.
- Recruitment Coordinator • August, 1984 to December, 1984
Pepperdine University School of Law
Responsible for national law school recruitment.
- Continental Airlines, Honolulu, Hawaii • March, 1976 to August, 1981
Worked as a tariff specialist, reservations sales agent, and cargo sales agent.
- Dan’s Dive Shop, Honolulu, Hawaii • December, 1972 to August, 1975

“Is the Blue Pill Safe? Can Lawyers Trust Generative AI?” work in progress.
“Don’t Be Afraid to Lean on Your Career Planning Office,” ABA Student Lawyer Magazine,
Winter/Spring 2023.
“Ten Tips To Help You Find the Career For You,” ABA Student Lawyer Magazine, October,
Entertainment Law and Business, co-author with Elizabeth Henslee, Aspen Press, September,
Entertainment Law and Business Teacher’s Manual, co-author with Elizabeth Henslee,
Aspen Press, August, 2019.
“To Teach or Not To Teach, That Is The Question”, LAW PRACTICE TODAY (Jan. 15, 2015),
LAW PRACTICE TODAY, January, 2015, Issue Editor for Alternative Careers Issue, http://www.lawpracticetoday.org/.
LAW PRACTICE TODAY, October, 2014, Issue Editor for Intellectual Property Issue, http://www.americanbar.org/publications/law_practice_today_home/law_practice_today_archive.html.
Entertainment Careers for Lawyers, 3d., published by ABA Press March, 2014.
You Don’t Own Me: Why the Work Made for Hire Doctrine Should Not Apply to Sound Recordings,
10:4 J. MARSHALL REV. INTELL. PROP. L. 999 (2011), co-authored with Elizabeth Henslee.
What’s Wrong With U.S.?: Why the Failure of Congress to Pass a Performance Rights
Bill Hurts American Record Companies and Recording Artists, 13:4 VAND. J. ENT. & TECH.
L. 739 (2011).
Copyright Infringement Pushin’: Google, YouTube, and Viacom Fight For Supremacy in
The Neighborhood That May Be Controlled By the DMCA’s Safe Harbor Provision, 51:4
IDEA 607, (2011).
Why Can’t We Be Friends? It’s WAR!, 30 LOY. L.A. ENT. L. REV. 87 (2009).
Money For Nothing and Music For Free: Why the RIAA Should Continue to Sue Illegal
Filesharers, 8 J. MARSHALL REV. INTELL. PROP. L. 477 (2009) (lead article).
You Can’t Always Get What You Want, But if You Try Sometimes, You Can Steal It and
Call It “Fair Use”: A Proposal to Abolish the Fair Use Defense for Music, 58 CATH.
U. L. REV. 663 (2009).
Marybeth Peters Is Almost Right: An Alternative to Her Proposals To Reform The Compulsory
License Scheme For Music, 48 WASHBURN L.J. 107 (2008).
32 Pennies - co-authored with Michael Reardon; a feature length motion picture Screenplay
revised December, 2007.
How to Survive the First Year of Law School – author, published by the American Bar
Association. Reprinted Annually, Fourth Edition – July, 2010; Third Edition - July,
2007; Second Edition - August, 1996; First Edition - Fall, 1984.
A & W Management – a television sitcom pilot revised December, 2007.
My Dad Wouldn’t Do That - co-authored with Andrew Steele; a feature length motion
Picture screenplay completed December, 2006.
The Karaoke King – co-producer, legal consultant, actor, re-shoot unit production
manager for an independent film completed in 2006.
Nonlegal Careers for Lawyers, 5th ed. – co-authored with Gary A. Munneke and Ellen
Wayne, published by ABA Press in May, 2006.
Santa is Real - Associate Editor, published by KRS Productions, 2005.
“Other Niche Practices” – chapter in a multi-author book Flying Solo, 3d, published
by the American Bar Association in July, 2005.
Entertainment Law, Cases and Materials on Film, Television, & Music – co-authored
with Sherri Burr, published by West in June, 2004.
Theater Law, Cases and Materials – chapter author of multi-authored casebook, published
by Carolina Academic Press in June, 2004.
“What Else Can You Do With a Law Degree?” – co-authored with Gary A. Munneke, Student
Lawyer Magazine, May, 2003.
Nonlegal Careers for Lawyers, 4th ed. – co-authored with Gary A. Munneke, published
by ABA Press in November, 2002.
“Follow the Money” Electronic Musician - co-authored with Eric Leach, November, 2001.
Bishop - producer and co-writer for video on rock climbing in Bishop, California,
October, 2000.
Joshua Tree - producer and co-writer for the video on rock climbing in Joshua Tree,
California, December, 1999.

- LAW 6575 Entertainment Law
- LAW 6842 Law And Film Seminar