Employment Discrimination
Tuesday/Thursday • 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
LAW 6935 Advanced Topics in Law C: Advanced Torts -- Defamation and Privacy
Tuesday/Thursday • 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm via Zoom or by appointment
Program Assistant is Puja Bhatavdekar, Phone: (407) 254-3270, puja.bhatavdekar@famu.edu

LAW 5400 Property • Tu. We. Fr. — 8:50 am - 10:10 am
LAW 6545 Employment Law • Tu. Fr. — 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm

Professor Reaves joined FAMU College of Law after teaching for six years at Loyola
University School of Law in Los Angeles. Professor Reaves has written several articles
focusing on race and gender discrimination in employment. At FAMU College of Law,
she teaches employment law, employment discrimination, and property. She has a J.D.
degree from Stanford Law School and a B.A. degree from Yale University.

- J.D.
Stanford Law School Stanford, CA
- B.A. Economics and Political Science
Yale University New Haven, CT

- Professor of Law • 2005 - Present
Florida A&M University College of Law, Orlando, FL
- Associate Professor of Law • 1998 - 2005
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA
- Visiting Professor of Law • Academic Year 2016 - 17
University of La Verne College of Law, Ontario, CA
- Visiting Professor of Law • Spring 2012
University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR
- Visiting Professor of Law • Spring 2009
University of Miami Law School, Coral Gables, FL

- Publications
Journal Articles
Performing Identity in the Workplace: A Property Law Perspective(in progress).
The Help: African-American Women and Low-Wage Work in a “Post-Racial” Society (in
Adverse Employment Action: A Victim’s Perspective (in progress).
Retaliatory Harassment: Race, Sex and the Hostile coworker as the enforcer of Workplace
2007 MICH ST. OL. REV. 403(2007).
Sprint/United Management Co. v. Mendelsohn: Is “Me, Too” Evidence Relevant and Admissible
Prove Illegal Bias in Age Discrimination Cases, 35 PREVIEW OF UNITED STATES SUPREME
CASES, 134-137 (ABA 2007).
One of these Things Isn’t Like the Other: Analogizing Ageism to Racism in Employment
Discrimination Cases, 38 UNIV. RICHMOND L. REV. 101-63 (2004).
“There’s No Crying in Baseball”: Sports and the Legal Construction of Gender, 4 THE
GENDER RACE & JUSTICE 283-319 (2001).
Essays, Books, Book Contributions, and Collected Works
ESSAY: Anti-Black Bias and the Allue of “Whiteness,”Balkinization Blog, December 2022
5TH ED. 2014)(revised and updated with new questions).
SPORTS AND INEQUALITY (Michael J. Cozzillio& Robert L. Hayman, Jr. eds.)(Carolina
Academic Press
2005)(edited excerpt of “There’s No Crying in Baseball:…” article)
(includes “There’s No Crying in Baseball: …” article).
Academic Presentations
University of La Verne College of Law, November 2016. Presented work-in-progress.
Association for Law, Property, and Society Annual Meeting, May 20-21, 2016, Queen’s
Belfast. Presented work-in-progress.
9th Annual Lutie Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Writing Workshop, Vanderbilt Law School,
Tennessee, July 2015. Presented work-in-progress.
Association of Law, Property, and Society 2015 Annual Meeting, University of Georgia
School of Law,
April 2015. Presented work-in-progress.
9th Annual Labor & Employment Colloquium, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder,
CO, September
2014. Presented work-in-progress.
“Whiteness Defined,” Southeast/Southwest People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference,
William H.
Bowen School of Law, Little Rock, AR, April 2013. (Moderator)
Gender Equity and Capitalism Symposium, University of Oregon School of Law, March
Presented work-in-progress.
3rd Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor & Employment Law, University
of San Diego,
San Diego, California, October 2008. Presented work-in-progress.
On the Job: The Challenges of Work and the Workplace, Northeast People of Color Legal
Conference, Boston University School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, September 12-14,
Presented work-in-progress.
The Impact of Retaliation in the Workplace After Burlington v. White, Southeast Association
of Law
Schools (SEALS) Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, Florida, August 1, 2008. Presented work-in-progress.
Lutie Lytle Black Female Faculty Writing Workshop, University of Denver, Strum College
of Law, June
2008. Presented work-in-progress.
Florida Junior Faculty Forum, Stetson University School of Law, Gulfport, Florida,
November 2-3, 2007.
Presented work-in-progress.
LatCrit XII: Critical Localities: Epistemic Communities, Rooted Cosmopolitans, New
Hegemonies, and
Knowledge Processes, Miami Beach, FL, October 4-6, 2007. Presented work-in-progress.
Second Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor & Employment Law, University
of Denver,
Strum College of Law, September 2007. Presented work-in-progress.
First Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor & Employment Law, Marquette
Milwaukee, WI, October 26-28, 2006. Presented work-in-progress.

- Honors, Awards & Recognition
- Outstanding Law Professor, Loyola Black Law Students Association • 2001

- LAW 5400 Property
- LAW 6545 Employment Law