College of Law
Tuesday and Thursday: 10 am - 3 pm
Program Assistant is Iana Hair, Phone: (407) 254-4022, iana.hair@famu.edu

Constitutional Law II
Woman and The Law

Professor Patricia Broussard joined the faculty of Florida A&M University College
of Law after teaching at Howard University School of Law for seven years. She teaches
Constitutional Law I and II, First Amendment, Advance Appellate Advocacy, and Advance
Topics on Women and the Law. Professor Broussard began her legal career clerking for
the Honorable George W. Mitchell of the District of Columbia Superior Court. She writes
in the area of Human Rights with a specialty focus on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
She is committed to service and while at Howard received the Warren Rosmarin Award
for outstanding teaching and service. She regularly coaches moot court and client
counseling teams and serves as a commissioner for the City of Orlando Mayor’s Martin
Luther King Commission. She developed and implemented an annual neighborhood service
project entitled “Clean- Up Parramore Day” for the law school. She is a four time
recipient of the Percy Luney Spirit of Service Award and a five time recipient of
Professor of the year. Professor Broussard believes that the success of her students
is her greatest accomplishment in academia.
Professor Broussard has a J.D., cum laude, from Howard University School of Law and
a B.S. degree from Northwestern University.

- Constitutional Law
- First Amendment
- Women and the Law

- JD, cum laude
Howard University School of Law
- Bachelor of Science
Northwestern University

- Professor of Law, 2013 - Present
Florida A&M University College of Law
- Visiting Associate Professor of Law, 2006 - 2011
Orlando, Florida
- Acting Director Legal Reasoning, Research, Writing Program, August 2005 – May 2006
Howard University School of Law
- Instructor, Intensive Legal Methods LL.M. Program, August 2000 – May 2005
- Instructor, Legal Reasoning, Research, Writing Program, Summer 2001
- Patricia A. Broussard Curriculum Vitae, August 1993 – May 1997
- Instructor, Advanced Legal Writing Seminar, Summer 2006
Georgetown University
- Judicial Law Clerk
District of Columbia Superior Court

- The Attempted “Anita Hillification” of The Honorable Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson:
God of Our Weary Years, God of Our Silent Tears. TBP Fall 2023, Elon Law Review
- Damn It! A Conversation on Being Black, Female, and Marginalized during the COVID-19
Pandemic: Is the World Listening? A Conversation between Black Female Law Professors
[article] Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2020),
pp. 1-76
Broussard, Patricia A. (Cited 37 times); Page, Cheryl T. (Cited 1 times); Downes,
12 Ala. C.R. & C.L. L. Rev. 1 (2020-2021)
- Unbowed, Unbroken, and Unsung: The Unrecognized Contributions of African American
Women in Movements, Politics, and the Maintenance of Democracy, 25 William and Mary
Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice, 631 (Spring 2019).
- Broussard, Patricia A. (2015) "Eviscerating the Voting Rights Act and Moral Authority:
Freedom to Discriminate Comes with a Price," Journal of Race, Gender, and Ethnicity:
Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 2.
Available at: http://digitalcommons.tourolaw.edu/jrge/vol7/iss1/2
- Black Women’s Post Slavery Silence Syndrome: A Twenty-First Century Remnant of Slavery,
Jim Crow, and Systemic Racism. Who Will Tell Her Stories? University of Iowa Journal
of Gender, Race & Justice Summer 2013).
- Patricia A. Broussard, Reaction Article – Shayan Modarres, The Fourteenth Amendment
Isn’t “Broke”: Why Wealth Should Be a Suspect Classification under the Equal Protection
Clause, 3 Georgetown Law's Modern Critical Race Perspectives Journal (2012).
- First Do No Harm: Why Pricking is Not the Solution to Ending Female Genital Mutilation,
The Student Appeal cite as: Patricia A. Broussard, First Do No Harm: Why Pricking
is Not the Solution to Ending Female Genital Mutilation (May 2010), available at:
- Repair versus Rejuvenation: The Condition of Vaginas as a Proxy for the Societal Status
of Women, 9 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 935 (2010 – 2011).
- The Importation of Female Genital Mutilation to the West: The Cruelest Cut of All,
44 University of San Francisco Law Review 4 (Spring 2010).
- Now You See it, Now You Don’t: Addressing the Issue of Websites which are Lost in
Space, 35 Ohio Northern University Law Review 1 (2009).
- Female Genital Mutilation: Exploring Strategies for Ending Ritualized Torture: Shaming,
Blaming, and Invoking the Convention Against Torture, 15 Duke Journal of Gender Law
and Policy 19 (2008).
- The True Legacy of Rosa Parks, Findlaw.com - November 2005, http://writ.news.findlaw.com/commentary/20051102_broussard.html
- Brown Did Not Fail America; America Failed Brown, 47 How. L.J. 829 (2004).
- Drafted USDA Title VI Manual in conjunction with HUSL– January, 2002
- Honoring African American Women in Academia, The New Barrister, Vol. 37 No. 5, (2001).
- Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court Shelby County v. Holder – January, 2013.
- Supervised Amicus Brief Grutter v. Bollinger Amicus Brief to the U. S. Supreme Court
–January, 2003.
- Feminist Judgments Rewritten: Opinions of the United States Supreme Court Town of
Castle Rock v. Gonzales, Commentary (2016, Cambridge Press).
by Shannon Johnson with Berit Everhart, Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc., (2011).
- Cynthia Cook, Medical Sociology: A Reader, Chapter, Understanding Female Genital Mutilation
(Forthcoming January 2012, University Readers & Cognella Academic Publishing).
• 9/2022 Speaker at Law Review Induction
• 9/2022 Panelist- Stop the Woke Act
• 10/2022 Panelist – Living in a Post-Roe World – Paul Perkins Bar Assoc.
• 10/2022 Panelist – Black Hair Symposium – George Mason/Anton Scalia Law School
• 1/2023 – Interviewee – Wesh2 News – Black Excellence/Judge
• 2/2023 – Panelist – Civil Discourse – FAMU College of Law
• 2/2023 – Speaker – League of Women Vot

• U.S. Dept. of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs Fulbright Specialist,
• 2013 Florida A & M University College of law “Professor of the Year” Award
• 2012 Florida A & M University College of law “Professor of the Year” Award
• 2012 Percy Luney Spirit of Service Award
• 2011 Florida A & M University College of Law “Professor of the Year” Award
• 2010 Percy Luney Spirit of Service Award
• 2010 Florida A & M University College of Law “Professor of the Year” Award
• 2008 Percy Luney Spirit of Service Award for Faculty
• 2007 Percy Luney Spirit of Service Award for Faculty
• 2006 Percy Luney Spirit of Service Award for New Faculty
• 2003 Warren Rosmarin Award for Outstanding Teaching and Service

- Advanced Appellate Advocacy
- Constitutional Law I
- Constitutional Law II
- Constitutional Law - First Amendment
- Legal Methods I and II
- Professional Responsibility
- Torts I
- Torts II
- Advanced Topics of Women and the Law