Building, Main, Rm. #335G
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Zoom Appointment
Tuesday/Thursday - 12:00pm - 5:30pm

Legal Research and Writing (LRW) I (Fall) - Tu. Th. - 10:30am - 12:00pm
Legal Research and Writing (LRW) II (Spring) - Tu. Th. - 10:30am - 12:00pm

Michael V. Andriano, Esq., is a Central Florida native, growing up primarily in Orange
and Seminole Counties. In August 2013, he received his Bachelor’s in Science degree
from the University of Central Florida in Orlando, majoring in Legal Studies with
a Specialization in Public Law. Upon completing his undergraduate degree, Michael
took a year off from his educational pursuits to work full time as a paralegal for
a large private law firm in downtown Orlando. In December 2016, Michael received his
law degree from Barry University School of Law, graduating cum laude and in the top
ten percent of his class at number four. During law school, Michael was the Managing
Editor for the Child and Family Law Journal, having an article selected for publication.
Upon receiving his Florida Bar license in April 2017 and from 2017 through September
2021, Michael worked as a Staff Attorney/Law Clerk for the judiciary in the Fifth
and Ninth Judicial Circuit Courts and for two judges at the Fifth District Court of
Appeal, Judges Mary Alice Nardella and Meredith Sasso (now Florida Supreme Court Justice
Sasso). From September 2021 through the first part of January 2023, Michael worked
for a private firm focusing on construction and business litigation and appeals. Since
January 2023, Michael has served as a Career Law Clerk to the Honorable Judge Keith
White at the Sixth District Court of Appeal. Michael also serves as a Visiting Professor
at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University College of Law ("FAMU" Law) teaching
Legal Research & Writing.
Through his experience with the judiciary and in private practice, Michael has worked
on complex cases in various areas of the law including criminal, postconviction criminal,
civil procedure, dependency, and family law, addressing many novel issues and drafting
over a thousand orders and opinions for the judiciary and hundreds of memorandums
of law. He has also assisted the judiciary on three high profile death penalty cases
in Orange County, one from inception through the penalty phase and the other two cases
upon postconviction review. Michael has published several articles in legal publications
and has received several awards from the Orange County Bar Association.
Since becoming an attorney, Michael has been heavily involved in service to the community
through The Florida Bar, the Orange County Bar Association, and The Legal Aid Society
of the Orange County Bar Association. In 2024, the Board of Orange County Commissioners
and the Mayor of Orange County appointed him to serve on the Children and Family Services
Advisory Board. He believes, and his faith prescribes, that as legal professionals,
we are called to serve others, for service in any capacity is not for the promotion
of oneself but the promotion of others and the greater good.

- Research & Writing
- True Crime Documentaries
- Horror Movies

- Dec. 2016
J.D., Barry University School of Law, Orlando, FL
Honors: Cum Laude, Top 10% (4 out of 41)
Activities: Child & Family Law Journal, Managing Editor
Moot Court Honors Board, Brief Writer
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity – Bradwell Chapter, Clerk
Student Ambassador, Admissions Office
- Aug. 2013
B.S., Legal Studies with Specialization in Public Law, University of Central Florida,
Orlando, FL
Honors: Dean’s List

- Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University College of Law
Visiting Professor: August 2024 – Present
Legal Research and Writing I & II (First Year)
- University of Central Florida: January 2023 – Present
Adjunct Faculty, Legal Studies Program
- Cybersecurity Law, Gender, Sexuality & the Law, and Professionalism and Civility in
the Law
- Sixth District Court of Appeal: January 2023 – Present
Career Law Clerk to the Honorable Judge Keith White
- Assisting with the disposition of assigned appeals in various areas of the law by
preparing extensive and thoroughly researched memorandum of laws for the assigned
judicial panel’s review.
- Assisting with drafting and editing court opinions for assigned appeals as well as
all opinions issued by the Court.
- The Law Office of Michael L. Dear, PLLC., Orlando, Florida: September 2021 – January
Associate Attorney
- Handled the following litigation stages, focusing on construction, contract, and business
law: pleadings, discovery, pretrial motions, motions hearings, settlements, and appeals.
- Planned, developed, and coordinated case strategies and procedures with owner attorney.
- Conducted thorough legal research for motions, hearings, and all relevant issues of
- Drafted pleadings, motions, settlement agreements, discovery, and appellate court
- Fifth District Court of Appeal: November 2020 – September 2021
Senior Law Clerk to the Honorable Judge Mary Alice Nardella
- Assisted with the disposition of assigned appeals in various areas of the law by preparing
extensive and thoroughly researched memorandum of laws for the assigned judicial panel’s
- Assisted with drafting and editing court opinions for assigned appeals as well as
all opinions issued by the Court.
- Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, Orange County: August 2018 – October 2020
Staff Attorney
- Assisted circuit judges in criminal divisions with pretrial, post-conviction relief,
and death penalty matters, and specifically assisted with legal research, drafted
proposed orders/opinions and judgments, and other related assignments.
- Assisted in the disposition of county to circuit court appeals with either a formal
written memorandum of law advising the assigned panel or with a full written opinion.
- Periodically advised the judges in the Ninth Circuit of criminal law updates from
the Legislature and from the higher courts by way of email and face-to-face workshops.
- Fifth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, Hernando County: July 2017 – May 2018
Civil Jury, Dependency, and Felony Criminal Divisions
Lead Staff Attorney (circuit wide)
- Assisted the Judiciary with case management and pending litigation issues primarily
for the Civil Jury and Dependency dockets, with Felony Post-Conviction work assigned
on an as needed basis.
- Drafted and prepared legal documents such as: opinions, judgments, post-conviction
orders, memoranda or orders concerning extraordinary writs, bench briefs, and appellate
- Assisted the General Counsel for the Fifth Circuit with administrative duties, including
the completion of death penalty reports and Staff Attorney training and hiring.

Professional Appointments
Board of Orange County Commissioners
- Children & Family Services Advisory Board, 2024-Present
The Florida Bar
- Ninth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee, 2023-Present
- Family Law Rules Committee, 2019-Present
- Chair, 2022-2023
- Vice Chair, 2020-2022
- Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, 2018-2023
- Executive Council Member, 2019-2022
- Multicultural Program Sub-Committee Co-Chair, 2019-2022
- Judicial Nominating Procedures Committee, 2023-2024
- Family Law Section, Rules & Forms Committee, 2018-2019
- Family Law Section, Children’s Rights Committee, 2018-2019
Orange County Bar Association
- Orange County Bar Association Foundation
- President, 2023-2024, Vice President, 2022-2023, Board of Directors, 2019-2025
- Diversity & Inclusion Committee, Co-Chair, 2022-2023
- Membership Committee, 2021-2022
- Law Day 5K Race Committee Co-Chair, 2020-2021, 2021-2022
- Law Day 5K Race Committee Subcommittee Chair of Runner Recruitment, 2019
The Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, Board of Trustees, 2020-2022
- Breakfast of Champions Co-Chair, 2020-2022
Central Florida Gay & Lesbian Law Association – Board of Directors, 2018-2019
Professional Affiliations
- Member of: State of Florida Bar, admitted April 2017; Orange County Bar Association;
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International Society of Scholars Member.
- Michael Andriano, COVID-19 and The Confrontation Clause, The Briefs, Vol. 89, No.
4, pg. 10-11, Orange County Bar Association (May 2021), https://www.orangecountybar.org/members/the-briefs/may-2021/
- Michael Andriano, Aren’t They All Our Children, After All?
- The Briefs, Vol. 88, No. 9, pg. 12-13, Orange County Bar Association (November 2020),
- Children and the Law American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Committee Newsletter,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (Fall 2017), https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/young_lawyers/committee_newsletters/2017/children_and_the_law_fall_newsletter_2017.authcheckdam.pdf
- Michael Andriano, Hindering Permanency, One Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claim
at a Time, 5 CHILD & FAM. L.J. 33 (2017). (Westlaw publishing is forthcoming)
- Order on Defendant’s Motion in Limine, State v. Casey, No. 2015-CF-011105-O, 2016
WL 9229840, Fla. Supp. 2310 (Fla. 9th Cir. Ct. Mar. 18, 2016).
- Final Order Granting Defendant’s Amended Successive Motion for Postconviction Relief,
State v. Purdy, No. 1995-CF-006887-A-O, 2019 WL 2424073 (Fla. 9th Cir. Ct. Jun. 7,

- 2024 Presidential Service Award, Orange County Bar Association
- 2023 Outstanding New Program Diversity & Inclusion Series, Orange County Bar Association
- 2020 Outstanding Service Award, Orange County Bar Association
- Best Brief: 2016 Robert Orseck Memorial Moot Court Competition, YLD of the Florida

- Legal Research and Writing (I & II)