College of Law
Office Hours Held Virtually. I will administer Office Hours virtually using the ZOOM
meeting function (for both individual and group appointments).
Program Assistant is Iana Hair, Phone: (407) 254-4022, iana.hair@famu.edu

LAW 6060 Business Organizations- M,We,Th: 10:30am-11:50am
LAW 6931 Law Policy & Social Justice Seminar: Sexual Orientation and the Law- Thursdays 6:00p-8:00p

Associate Professor Jeffrey M. Brown joined the College of Law as a permanent member
of the Faculty in the fall of 2010 after serving as a Visitor during the 2009-2010
school year. Prior to joining the College of Law he served as an Assistant and then
Associate Professor of Law at Northern Illinois University College of Law from 1999
until 2009.
His current research interests include assessing the capacity of regional courts to
promote more effective development and human rights paradigms in failed states like
Haiti and identifying effective normative and institutional frameworks to empower
NGOs in the developing world.
He has consulted on USAID and State Department-funded rule of law initiatives in China
and Russia for Vermont Law School and occasionally returns to Russia to guest lecture
and conduct research. As a member of a consortium of Chicago-area law schools, he
helped to coordinate a USAID-funded rule of law assistance program designed to bolster
Palestinian legal education.
Professor Brown is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School.

- International Business Transactions
- Torts
- Law Policy Social Justice Seminar: Sexual Orientation
- Business Organizations

- J.D., May 1991
University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI
- B.A., Philosophy, June 1986
Davidson College, Davidson, N. C.

- December, 2016 Visiting Guest Lecturer at Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto
Rico School of Law, Winter Intersession Program, Course: the Theory and Practice of
International Courts and Tribunals (17 students enrolled)
- December, 2014 Visiting Guest Lecturer at Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto
Rico School of Law, Winter Intersession Program, Course: the Theory and Practice of
International Courts and Tribunals (17 students enrolled)
- August, 2010-
Present Tenured Associate Professor of Law, Florida A&M University College of Law,
Orlando, Florida. Courses: public international law; international business transactions;
the Theory and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals; the Law and Politics
of the Caribbean; torts; advanced torts: products liability and complex litigation;
comparative law
- August, 2009-
May, 2010 Visiting Associate Professor, Florida A&M University College of Law, Orlando,
Florida. Courses taught: comparative law, international law (fall semester); international
business transactions, theory and practice of international courts and tribunals (spring
- August, 1999-
Present • Associate Professor of Law with Tenure: as of fall 2005
• Associate Professor of Law: fall 2003 – spring 2005
• Assistant Professor: August 1999-spring 2002
- Northern Illinois University College of Law, DeKalb, Illinois. Courses taught: torts,
public international law, international business transactions, payment systems (UCC
Articles 3 and 4), environmental law, and the Rule of Law in Emerging Democracies
(comparative law seminar exploring constitutional and administrative law reform in
emerging democracies, the right to democratic governance, and national truth and reconciliation
- February, 2006-
June, 2006 Fulbright Visiting Fellow, Petrozavodsk State University Faculty of Law,
Petrozavodsk, the Russian Federation. Courses taught: Seminar entitled the Rule of
Law in Emerging Democracies
- August, 2003-
December 2003 Wing Tat Lee Visiting Professor of International Law, Loyola University
Chicago School of Law, Chicago, Illinois. Courses taught: torts and public international
law. Also delivered annual Wing-Tat Lee International Law Lecture, “Beyond the Racial
Event Horizon: Understanding the Global Dimensions of the Reparations for Slavery
Movement”, March 24, 2004
- August, 1998-
June, 1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, Syracuse University College of Law, Syracuse,
New York. Courses taught: torts, comparative law and the Rule of Law in Emerging Democracies
- January, 1998-
July, 1998 Visiting Assistant Professor, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, Vermont.
Courses taught: international environmental law and the rule of law in emerging democracies
- September, 1996-
December, 1997 Fulbright Visiting Fellow, visiting law lecturer at the D. A. Tsenov
Economics University, Svishtov, Bulgaria. Lectured to a select group of approximately
60 advanced international business students on discreet topics in international business
transactions and comparative administrative law under a grant from the William J.
Fulbright Commission. Special emphasis given to the legal aspects of privatization,
regional environmental policy as a function of administrative reform, and the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT, including domestic treatment of foreign investments,
technology transfers, and licensing agreements
- September, 1995-
June, 1996 Law Lecturer, Macedonia, visiting law lecturer at the St. Kiril and Methodi
University, Skopje, Macedonia. Courses taught: Lectured at the Faculty of Economics
on discreet topics in public international law and international economic relations
as a Soros Foundation-funded Civic Education Project (CEP) visiting lecturer
September, 1994-
June, 1995 Law Lecturer, Bulgaria, visiting law lecturer at the Varna Technical University,
Varna, Bulgaria. Courses taught: Lectured on select environmental law and environmental
policy p

- Paper presentation, “Tinker, Tailor, Tribunal, Thief: The Emerging Civil Liberties
Progressivism of the Caribbean Court of Justice (in-progress)” at the annual American
Society of Comparative Law’s Works-in Progress (WIP) Conference (Fall, 2019)
- Paper presentation, “Grappling with the Ghosts of Civil Rights Movements Past: The
Black Lives Matters Movement and the Struggle for Sustainability” at the annual International
Society for Third Sector Research 2018 conference on civil society in Amsterdam, The
Netherlands (summer 2018)
- Guest Lecturer, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law Intersession
Course Program, the Theory and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Dec.
- Guest Lecturer, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law Intersession
Course Program, the Theory and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Dec.
- Paper presentation, “Conflict Early Warning Systems and the Law in Africa” at the
annual International Society for Third Sector Research 2014 conference on civil society
in Muenster, Germany (July 2014)
- Paper presentation, “Making Room at the Table: Creating and Retaining Normative and
Institutional Space for Rule of Law NGOs in Post-Conflict States” at the annual International
Society for Third Sector Research 2012 conference on civil society in Siena, Italy
(summer 2012)
- Paper presentation, “Benevolent Assistance or Bureaucratic Burden: Promoting Effective
Haitian Reconstruction, Self-Governance and Human Rights under the Right to Development”
at the St. Thomas University School of Law’s Intercultural Human Rights Law Review
symposium (spring 2011)
- Panel Discussant, Hurricane Katrina: America’s Unnatural Disaster, September 3, 2009.
Presentation at Florida A & M College of Law (fall 2009)
- Panelist, Civil Society and Democracy Conference, September15-17, 2005. Presentation:
“Civic Education and the Creation of Civil Society in Modern Russia: Some Cautionary
Reflections”, at Petrozavodsk State University, September 16, 2005
- Conceptualized and presented a series of lectures/workshops on select international
business transactions and trade-related problems for the Petrozavodsk State University
Law Faculty (December 2004)
- Panelist, AALS Conference on Environmental Law, June 15-18, 2004, “Teaching Environmental
Law in a Global Context”. Presentation topic: “Democratic Corporatism: A Comparative
Pollution Control Assessment”, June 17, 2004
- Keynote Address, Annual Wing-Tat Lee International Law Lecture, “Beyond the Racial
Event Horizon: Understanding the Global Dimensions of the Reparations for Slavery
Movement”, March 24, 2004. Paper presentation at Loyola University Chicago School
of Law
- Panelist, Seminar on Race, Immigration and Politics in the International Context,
Friday, March 19, 2004. Sponsored by the State Department Bureau of Education and
Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education (Fulbright Commission)
in conjunction with the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- Panelist, “The Role of Law: Africa, the Caribbean, and the U.S.”, March 5, 2004, University
of California at Berkeley, Boalt Hall
- Panelist, Assessing the Impact of 9/11, “International Law and the Impact of 9/11”,
Wednesday, September 11, 2002, Northern Illinois University College of Law
- Panelist, Reparations: Does the United States Owe A Debt to African-Americans? “International
Law and the Reparations Question”, Monday, October 1, 2001, Northern Illinois University
College of Law
- “International Law and the Attacks of September 11”, Presentation at Loyola University
School of Law (fall 2001)
- Interview, WNIJ, analysis of “The Trial of Henry Kissinger” by Christopher Hitchens.
Book calls for the prosecution of Henry Kissinger for alleged war crimes and crimes
against humanity committed while he served as the U.S. Secretary of State (spring

- William J. Fulbright Scholarship Program Grant Recipient, Russia Program (grant supported
a one-semester academic visit to the Petrozavodsk State University Law Faculty during
the winter/spring 2006 semester)
- 2005 International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Short-Term Travel Grant Recipient
(traveled to Russia in the summer of 2005 to investigate the impact of Presidential
decrees limiting the ability of local Russian governmental bodies to interact with
foreign professional and academic associations)
- 2003 Wing Tat Lee Visiting Professor of International Law, Loyola University Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois
- William J. Fulbright Scholarship Program Grant Recipient, Bulgaria Program (1996-97
and 1997-98 academic years)

- Sexual Orientation and the Law
- Environmental Practice Workshop
- The Theory and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
- Torts (year-long 5 credit hour course and 4 credit hour semester module)
- Advanced Torts: Complex Litigation
- The Law and Politics of the Caribbean
- International Business Transactions
- Payment Systems