Zachary E. Showers

Zachary Elijah Showers



Office Hours

Tucker Hall Rm #411

Monday/Wednesday •  8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday • 8:00-11:00

Current Semester Schedule

ENC 1101 Freshman Communicative Skills I MWF — 9:05 a.m. - 9:55 a.m. | Gore B104
ENC 1101 Freshman Communicative Skills I MWF — 10:10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. | Gore A108
ENL 4331 Shakespeare MW — 12:20 p.m. - 1:35 p.m. | Tucker 116
ENL 3013 English Literature I MW — 2:30 p.m.-3:45 p.m. | Tucker 201
ENL 3013E English Literature I ONLINE

About Me

I am from the small town of Black in Southeast Alabama, and thus I have an accent thick enough to pour on a waffle. From an early age I have been enamored of literature, that which Wordsworth describes as “the spirit breathed from dead men to their kind,” and I dang sure love running my mouth about it.

This is my dream job.

I wear flipflops to class, except during the week or so every year when the cold or the rain forces me to wear real shoes. Regardless of the weather, I wear the same hat.

If I see a student wearing a t-shirt featuring some heavy metal band or other, I will either recommend songs incessantly or talk about the time I saw them in concert until the student regrets their fashion choice. So far, I have been unable to break myself of this habit.

I am of Generation X, the last of those who grew up before the internet, so my classes are not exactly technologically progressive. Students must not expect Powerpoints, Prezis, or “such-like drolleries,” as Ben Jonson once called The Tempest, but they can expect to learn many things they did not know before.

Areas of Interest

  • Early Modern English Literature
  • Twentieth Century British Literature, most especially the works of James Joyce, Evelyn Waugh, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell
  • Twentieth-Century American Literature
    • Satirical Literature
    • Marxist Theory


  • University of Alabama • 2010
    Ph.D. in English,
    Dissertation:  “Thou Art Unreal, My Ideal: Nostalgia as Ideology in the Works of Evelyn Waugh, Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell” defended 30 June 2010
    Dissertation Chair: Dr. Patti White

  • University of Florida • 2001
    M.A. in English,
    Thesis: “No New Thing Under the Sun: Old Testament Prophets and Patriarchs in James Joyce’s Ulysses”
    Committee Chair:  Dr. R. Brandon Kershner.

  • University of Alabama • 1999
    B.A. in English (cum laude)

  • University of Wales at Aberystwyth • 1998
    Semester Program

Work History

  • Associate Professor • Present 
    Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL

  • English Instructor • 2008-2014
    Enterprise State Community College

Academic Accomplishments


              “Slaughterhouse-Five,””Herland” “T.S. Eliot,” “Pearl Buck,” “John Kennedy O’Toole” and “A Confederacy of Dunces” Twentieth-Century and Contemporary American Literature in Context, edited by Linda De Roche, ABC-CLIO, 2021.

“Church Burning.” Penumbra, an Interdisciplinary Journal of Critical and Creative Inquiry. 1.6 (2019): 40-45.

    “Independent Systems of Ideology: Evelyn Waugh’s Decline and Fall.” Journal of English Literature and Cultural Studies. 2.2 (2019): 131-154.

Perennial Rule of the Masses: Class, Sex and Decline in Ape and Essence.” Extrapolation. 58.1 (2017): 21-43.

    “Crazed by the Moon:  The Duality of the Heron in Yeats' Calvary,” Yeats-Eliot Review.  23 (2006): 2-12.

“The Way It Started,” The Rectangle.  76 (2001): 73-75.

“Men of Black, Alabama,” The Rectangle.  72 (1998): 25-28.

“Report Concerning the Dreadful Case of Enoch Threats,” Heath Anthology of American Literature Newsletter.  17 (1998): 4-5.



“Gordon MacInnes.” The Waiting Room. Directed by Luther Wells. FAMU Essential Theatre, February 16-20, 2022.



Courses Taught At FAMU

  • ENC 1101, Freshman Communication Skills I

  • ENC 1102, Freshman Communication Skills II

  • ENL 3013, English Literature I

  • ENL 3034, English Literature II

  • ENL 4240, The Romantic Period

  • ENL 4331, Shakespeare I

  • ENL 4332, Shakespeare II

  • ENC 0015, Developmental Writing I

  • LIT 2000, Introduction to Literature

More Information

I have a running blog about driving for Lyft at