Tuesday: By Appointment
Thursday: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

EDA 6064E 501
EDA 7980 604

Current research focuses on issues of social justice, equity, and diversity particularly
the persistence and success of underrepresented students, and leadership across the
P-20 pipeline. Work centers on issues related to educational leadership intersectionality
and performativity-particularly constructs of gender, sexuality, role, race and class.
- Utilization of qualitative methodologies such as case study, discussion analysis,
and phenomenology and trends of critical and post-structural leadership theories to
guide her work.
- She has authored and co-authored publications and has made many presentations/workshops/seminars
at international, national, regional, state, conferences, and school districts. She
is currently on the editorial board of Horizon Publishing, The International Journal
of African Studies, editorial reviewer of the Universal Journal of Education, and
senior editor of African Educational Research Network Journal.
- In her spare-time she enjoys her Great Danes.

Social Justice
Particularly issues related to educational leadership intersectionality and performativity
particularly constructs of gender, sexuality, role, race, and class

- Educational Leadership and Supervision, Ph.D.
The University of Iowa
- Counselor Education, M.A.
The University of Iowa

- Association Professor | Florida A&M University | 2017-Present
- Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Counseling | Florida A&M University | 2016-2017
- Coordinator, Ph.D. Educational Leadership Program | Florida A&M University | 2016-2017
- Associate Professor | Florida A&M University | 2015-2016
- Coordinator, Professional Training Option Program | Florida A&M University | 2015-2016
- Department Chair Secondary Education, Technology Education and Foundations | Florida A&M University | 2014-2015
- Associate Professor of Education | Florida A&M University | 2004-2014
- Department Chair Secondary Education & Foundations | Florida A&M University | 2000-2004

- Invited Guest Speaker
The 3rd International & 20th Scientific Conference, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt: The Future of Teacher Education
in the Light of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolution, October, 2022.

- MHS 5480
- EDA 5191
- EDG 5791
- EDA 6278
- EDA 6061
- EDF 5136
- EDA 6216
- EDA 6199
- ESE 5035
- EDA 6215
- EDA 5222
- EDF 5543
- MHS 6800
- EDF 5211
- EDA 6213
- EDA 5510
- EDA 5530
- EDA 6191