Division of Cardiopulmonary Science
Lewis-Beck Building, Suite 319
Monday/Wednesday 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

HSC 1000HB Orientation Health Science Tu, 11:00 a.m. -11:50 a.m.
RET 3495 Integration of Structure and Function of Human Systems Mo. Wed.10:35 a.m. -12:15 p.m
RET 4618 Advanced Practicum in Respiratory Therapy Mo. Wed. 9:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m.
RET 4886 Clinical Process and Interventions IV Tu. Th. 2:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m.
RET 4906 Directed Individual Study Fri. 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Kandy T. Woods, Director/Associate Instructor in the Division of Cardiopulmonary Science
in the School of Allied Health Sciences. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree
in Cardiopulmonary Science, and a Master of Public Health Degree (MPH) with a concentration
in health policy and management at Florida A&M University. She is responsible for
administrative responsibilities, program planning, curriculum development, and program
review. She has been a respiratory therapist for 26 years and an educator for 21 years.
Her primary clinical experiences are in the areas of neonatal/pediatric care, adult
critical care, and extended and long-term care.

- Clinical management of mechanical ventilators
- Licensure exam success
- Women’s Health

- Florida A&M University 2002
MPH with a concentration in Health Policy
- Florida A&M University 1997
BS in Cardiopulmonary Science

- Director/Associate Instructor 2023-Present
Florida A& M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Interim Director/Associate Instructor 2022- 2023
Florida A& M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Director of Clinical Education 2011-2022
Florida A& M University, Tallahassee, FL
- Assistant Professor, 2002-2011
Florida A& M University, Tallahassee, FL

- 2022 Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) Board member
- 2021 Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) Site Visitor
- 2019 American Association for Respiratory Care(AARC) Preliminary Sputum Bowl Judge
- 2018-2016 The Coalition for Baccalaureate and Graduate Respiratory Therapy Education
- 2016 Summer Seminar panel discussion on inter-rater reliability
- 2015 Florida Disease Chronic Prevention Webinars
- 2013 Florida Chronic Disease Prevention Coalition
- 2020 University Health Sciences Clinical Courses Experiences Task Force Report, SOAHS
- 2017 University Career Advisory Committee, member
- 2016-2019 University Steering Homecoming Committee, member
- 2014-2008 University Faculty Senator
- 2012-2014 University Steering Committee, member
- 2016-current University Sabbatical and Professional Development Leave Committee, member
- Simmons, M., Simmons, J., Lopez, I., and Woods, K., (2017)
Exploring the Influence of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the Creation
of a Diverse Cardiopulmonary Science Workforce. Journal of National Society of Allied
Health, 14(1), pg. 18-26.
- Baldwin, A., Woods, K., and Simmons, M., (2006). Diversity of the Allied Health Workforce.
Journal of Allied Health, 35(2) 116-119.
- Baldwin, A., Copeland, M., and Woods, K., (2005). Asthma Management in Minority Populations:
Issues and Recommendations. Journal of the National Society of Allied Health, 3(4),
pg. 16-24
- Johnson, P., Baldwin, A., Copeland (Simmons), M., and Woods, K. Comparisons Between
Three Instructional Methods of Teaching Respiratory Mechanics. Respiratory Care Journal,
49(11), pg. 1379 (2004).
- Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination and Clinical Simulation Examination Predictors
of Success.
Poster Presentation, American Association Respiratory Care Congress (AARC) November
- Best Practices for Addressing Implications Of Social Determinants On Clinical Education:
A Case Study of A Historically Black College & University’s Cardiopulmonary Science
[Poster Presentation, October 2016-Association of Schools of Allied Health Professionals
- The Coalition for Baccalaureate and Graduate Respiratory Education (CoBGRTE) Summer-Forum
for Inter-rater Reliability (IRR) for Clinical Preceptor Training. [Panelist, June
- Strategies and best practices for successful professional board pass rate.
[Presenter, March 2016, National Society of Allied Health (NSAH)}
- Suncoast Pulmonary Symposium: Baccalaureate Education Access for Florida Respiratory
Therapist [Panelist, September 2010]
- Keynote speaker for the “International Symposium” of the Bernard D. Hendricks Undergraduate
Honors Conference: “The Global Impact on Public Health if Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
Transitions to Epidemic or Pandemic”, March 2006]

- 2020 CoARC's "Distinguished Registered Respiratory Therapist Credentialing Success
- 2019 CoARC's "Distinguished Registered Respiratory Therapist Credentialing Success
- 2017 Tobacco Free Leon and Tobaco Free FAMU Faculty Advocate of the Year
- 2006 Keynote Speaker for International Symposium of the Bernard D Hendricks Undergraduate
Honors Conference
- 2006 Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions J. Warren Perry Distinguished
Author Award

- HSC 1000 Orientation to Health Sciences
- RET 3268 Critical Health Assessment & Interventions I w/lab
- RET 3269 Advanced Critical Health Assessment & Interventions II w/lab
- RET 3493 Health Assessment and Interventions Laboratory
- RET 3495 Integration of Structure and Function of Human Systems
- RET 3419 Diagnostics & Non-traditional Health Care Delivery w/lab
- RET 3884 Clinical Process and Intervention I
- RET 3885 Clinical Process and Intervention II
- RET 4616 Advanced Seminar in Respiratory Therapy
- RET 4618 Advanced Practicum in Respiratory Therapy
- RET 4717 Pediatrics & Neonatal Respiratory Care w/lab
- RET 4886 Clinical Process and Intervention III
- RET 4887 Clinical Process and Intervention IV