Leadership Team

Dr. Donald Palm

Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President

Dr. Allyson Watson

Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs

Cynthia Henry

Executive Assistant

Rebecca Brown

Vice President, Finance and Administration/CFO

Dr. William E. Hudson

Vice President, Student Affairs

Roddrick Jones

Vice President, Strategic Planning, Analysis and Institutional Effectiveness

Joseph Maleszewski

Vice President, Audit

Robert Seniors

Vice President, Information Technology Services/CIO

Jamal Sowell

Vice President, Government Relations

Angela Suggs

Vice President & Director of Athletics

Alonda Thomas

Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Shira Thomas

Interim Vice President, General Counsel

Dr. Charles A. Weatherford

Vice President, Research

Rica Calhoun

Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer

Carmen Cummings Martin

Assistant Vice President, Alumni Affairs/University Advancement

Dr. Erick Akins

Director, Title III Programs

Dr. Kyle Eidahl

Faculty Senate Representative

Dr. Daniel Osborne

Faculty Senate Representative